A total of 6 abbreviation clusters in TM 197251 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication Année épigraphique 1996 1248
Inventory Győr, Xantus János Múzeum number unknown
Provenance Hungary, Pannonia - Ménfőcsanak [found & written]
Date AD 218
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
IMP CAES M OPELImperator Caesar Marcus OpelliusIMP CAES M OPEL for Imperator Caesar Marcus Opellius
AUG COSAugustus consulAUG COS for Augustus consul
PROCOS TRIB POTEST PONTIFproconsul tribunicia potestate pontifexPROCOS TRIB POTEST PONTIF for proconsul tribunicia potestate pontifex
M OPELMarcus OpelliusM OPEL for Marcus Opellius
AELAelioAEL for Aelio
LEG AUGG PR PR BR M Plegato Auggustorum pro praetore Brigetione milia passuumLEG AUGG PR PR BR M P for legato Auggustorum pro praetore Brigetione milia passuum