A total of 7 abbreviation clusters in TM 199920 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication Ibba (ed.), Uchi Maius 2. Le iscrizioni 79
Provenance Tunisia, Africa - Uchi Maius (Henchir Douemis) [found & written]
Date BC 199 - AD 799?
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
LLucioL for Lucio
H M Vhonestae memoriae viroH M V for honestae memoriae viro
AUGAugustaeAUG for Augustae
UCHITANORUchitanorumUCHITANOR for Uchitanorum
MIL Nmilia nummumMIL N for milia nummum
LLuciusL for Lucius
FL PPflamen perpetuusFL PP for flamen perpetuus