A total of 3 abbreviation clusters in TM 208864 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication Année épigraphique 1975 630
Inventory Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities I 1971/11.76 + i 1974/9.106 + 132 + 171 + 176 + Middelburg, Zeeuws Genootschap GA 1994-16 + 1994-42
Provenance Netherlands, Gallia - Ganuenta (Colijnsplaat) [written]
Netherlands, Gallia - Zierikzee, near [found]
Date AD 150 - 250
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
QQuintusQ for Quintus
D M Bdecurio municipii BatavorumD M B for decurio municipii Batavorum
V S L Mvotum solvit libens meritoV S L M for votum solvit libens merito