A total of 5 abbreviation clusters in TM 210920 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication CIL XIII.4 11767
Inventory Osterburken, Römermuseum number unknown
Provenance Germany, Germania - Osterburken [found & written]
Date AD 198
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
COHcohortisCOH for cohortis
AQUITAquitanorumAQUIT for Aquitanorum
COH S Scohortis supra scriptaeCOH S S for cohortis supra scriptae
POSITposuitPOSIT for posuit
GALO COS L MGallo consulibus libens meritoGALO COS L M for Gallo consulibus libens merito