A total of 4 abbreviation clusters in TM 247504 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication Supplementa Italica 16 [p. 93-192] 36
Inventory Grosseto, Museo Archeologico R 46164
Provenance Italy, Etruria - Rusellae (Roselle) [found & written]
Date AD 150 - 250
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
QUAES IMPquaestori ImperatorisQUAES IMP for quaestori Imperatoris
LEG LEGlegato legionisLEG LEG for legato legionis
VIIVIR COSVIIviro consuliVIIVIR COS for VIIviro consuli
LEGAT IMPlegato ImperatorisLEGAT IMP for legato Imperatoris