A total of 6 abbreviation clusters in TM 266327 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication CIL VI.4.3 37220
Inventory Rome, Museo Nazionale delle Terme sala delle Urne 72559
Provenance Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
Date AD 150 - 190
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
D M LDis Manibus LucioD M L for Dis Manibus Lucio
MIL COHmiliti cohortisMIL COH for militi cohortis
PR sigelpraetoriae centuriaPR sigel for praetoriae centuria
DEBdebentDEB for debent
CORTE Qcohorte QuintusCORTE Q for cohorte Quintus
B M Fbene merenti fecitB M F for bene merenti fecit