A total of 7 abbreviation clusters in TM 276751 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication CIL VI.1 1097 a
Provenance Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
Date AD 244
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
IMP CAES MImperatori Caesari MarcoIMP CAES M for Imperatori Caesari Marco
AUG PONT MAX PERS MAX TRIB POT COS DESIG P PAugusto pontifici maximo Persico maximo tribunicia potestate consuli designato patri patriaeAUG PONT MAX PERS MAX TRIB POT COS DESIG P P for Augusto pontifici maximo Persico maximo tribunicia potestate consuli designato patri patriae
MMarcoM for Marco
AUGAugustaeAUG for Augustae
CAESCaesarisCAES for Caesaris
VOTvotaVOT for vota
ANNAL FELICannalibus feliciterANNAL FELIC for annalibus feliciter