A total of 17 abbreviation clusters in TM (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria
AURELAureliusAUREL for Aurelius
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria
AURELAureliusAUREL for Aurelius
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria
AEMILAemiliusAEMIL for Aemilius
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria
COCCEISCocceiusCOCCEIS for Cocceius
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria
AURELAureliusAUREL for Aurelius
AURELAureliusAUREL for Aurelius
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria