A total of 7 abbreviation clusters in TM 384915 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication CIL III Suppl. 1 6743
Provenance Turkey, Cappadocia - Daskousa (Pağnık Örenı) [found & written]
Date BC 199 - AD 799?
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
DEC ALdecurio alaeDEC AL for decurio alae
ULPUlpiaeULP for Ulpiae
AUR STIPAurianae stipendiorumAUR STIP for Aurianae stipendiorum
VIX ANNvixit annosVIX ANN for vixit annos
IULIuliusIUL for Iulius
DUP ALduplicarius alaeDUP AL for duplicarius alae
PposuitP for posuit