A total of 6 abbreviation clusters in TM 437886 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication CIL XII 943
Provenance France, Gallia - Arelate (Arles) [found & written]
Date AD 300 - 799?
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
B Mbonae memoriaeB M for bonae memoriae
PRBTpresbyterPRBT for presbyter
AN PL Mannos plus minusAN PL M for annos plus minus
KAL FEBRKalendas FebruariasKAL FEBR for Kalendas Februarias
P Cpost consulatumP C for post consulatum
V C CONSviri clarissimi consulisV C CONS for viri clarissimi consulis