A total of 6 abbreviation clusters in TM 448129 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication Espérandieu, Inscriptions latines de Gaule (Narbonnaise) (ILGN) 542
Provenance France, Gallia - Marsillargues [found & written]
Date AD 300 - 799?
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
NE NRInomine nostriNE NRI for nomine nostri
DNI IHU CHRIdomini Ihesu ChristiDNI IHU CHRI for domini Ihesu Christi
IChicIC for hic
DIdeiDI for dei
PRDII NNSpridie NonasPRDII NNS for pridie Nonas
CHRO AMChristo amenCHRO AM for Christo amen