A total of 6 abbreviation clusters in TM 476008 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication Inscriptions latines d'Aquitaine (ILA) Lectoure 19
Inventory Lectoure, Musée archéologique 8
Provenance France, Gallia - Lactora (Lectoure) [found & written]
Date AD 240 - 241
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
S M D IULSacrum Matri deum IuliaS M D IUL for Sacrum Matri deum Iulia
HOSTIShostiisHOSTIS for hostiis
SACERDsacerdoteSACERD for sacerdote
D Ndomino nostroD N for domino nostro
COSconsulibusCOS for consulibus
ID DECIdus DecembresID DEC for Idus Decembres