A total of 6 abbreviation clusters in TM 494235 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication Cimarosti, Le iscrizioni delle Alpes Cottiae 44
Provenance Italy, Gallia - Ad Martis (Oulx) [found & written]
Date AD 327 - 328
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
IMP CAES FLAImperatori Caesari FlavioIMP CAES FLA for Imperatori Caesari Flavio
P FPio FeliciP F for Pio Felici
AUG PONT MAX TRIB POTAugusto pontifici maximo tribunicia potestateAUG PONT MAX TRIB POT for Augusto pontifici maximo tribunicia potestate
IMPimperatoriIMP for imperatori
CONSUL P Pconsuli patri patriaeCONSUL P P for consuli patri patriae
PROCONproconsuliPROCON for proconsuli