A total of 3 abbreviation clusters in TM 494722 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication Morabito, Inscriptions latines des Alpes Maritimes 40
Provenance France, Gallia - Brigantio (Briançonnet) [found & written]
Date AD 270 - 275
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
IMP CAE LImperatori Caesari LucioIMP CAE L for Imperatori Caesari Lucio
P F INVICT AUG P MPio Felici Invicto Augusto pontifici maximoP F INVICT AUG P M for Pio Felici Invicto Augusto pontifici maximo
BRIEBriiantiensiumBRIE for Briiantiensium