A total of 12 abbreviation clusters in TM 584934 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication CIL VI.3 22208
Provenance Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
Date AD 50 - 299 (cf. the Dis Manibus formula)
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
SACR Lsacrum LucioSACR L for sacrum Lucio
L LIBLuci libertoL LIB for Luci liberto
LLuciusL for Lucius
L LIBLuci libertusL LIB for Luci libertus
MONUMENTmonumentumMONUMENT for monumentum
MONUM HEREDmonumentum heredemMONUM HERED for monumentum heredem
SEQUETsequeturSEQUET for sequetur
FRONT LAT PEDfronte latum pedesFRONT LAT PED for fronte latum pedes
DIGITdigitosDIGIT for digitos
AGR LONG Pagro longum pedesAGR LONG P for agro longum pedes
PpedumP for pedum
PpedumP for pedum