A total of 8 abbreviation clusters in TM 595549 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication CIL VI.4.2 34913
Provenance Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
Date AD 50 - 299 (cf. the Dis Manibus formula)
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
D MDis ManibusD M for Dis Manibus
FILfiliaFIL for filia
MONIMENTmonimentum!MONIMENT for monimentum!
FILISfiliisFILIS for filiis
CLClaudioCL for Claudio
CLClaudiaeCL for Claudiae
LIB LIBERTAB MEOR POSTQUElibertis libertabus meorum posterisqueLIB LIBERTAB MEOR POSTQUE for libertis libertabus meorum posterisque
H M D M ABES H M H N S NQ H Hhuic monumento dolus malus abesto hoc monumentum heredem non sequetur neque heredum heredesH M D M ABES H M H N S NQ H H for huic monumento dolus malus abesto hoc monumentum heredem non sequetur neque heredum heredes