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» 7 examples of this combination of abbreviation and abbreviated word in Latin inscriptions (alternatives):

All attestations for this combination
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Full text
IMPimperanteN DNI DI N IHU XR IMP DN Nnomine domini dei nostri Ihsou Xristou imperante domino nostro555071EDCS
IMPimperanteIMP D Nimperante domino nostro517457EDCS
IMPimperanteEOD IMP ANNeodem imperante anno517457EDCS
IMPimperanteKAL OCTB IMPKalendas Octobres imperante258282EDCS
IMPimperantesigel OST IMP AN COS LETOcenturia Ostiensis imperante Antonino consulibus Laeto255055EDCS
IMPimperanteIMP IDUS DECB INDimperante Idibus Decembribus indictione200282EDCS