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» 6 examples of this combination of abbreviation and abbreviated word in Latin inscriptions (alternatives):

All attestations for this combination
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Full text
PRBpresbyteriIOH PRB FIER OGABIT OMNE SITIENTEIohannis presbyteri fieri rogabit omnes sitientes637243EDCS
PRBpresbyteriPRB TT SCIpresbyteri tituli sancti623242EDCS
PRBpresbyteriPRB INPRpresbyteri imperante205662EDCS
PRBpresbyteriCL FELESM PRB MARTRS CRESCconsule felicissimi presbyteri martyris Cresconi205372EDCS
PRBpresbyteriPRB Dpresbyteri depositus182215EDCS