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» 34 examples of this abbreviation cluster in Latin inscriptions:

All attestations for this combination (for the components, go via "Combined with")
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Date Provenance Context Other clusters Full text
INVInvictis619609BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
INVInv619221BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
INVInvicti554734BC02 - AD08Italy, Samnium - Forum Novum (Vescovio)Combined withEDCS
INVinvidet532770BC02 - AD01Italy, Campania - PompeiiCombined withEDCS
INVInv481084BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Caesarodunum (Tours)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto478025BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Rauranum (Rom)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto461872BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Montiers-sur-SaulxCombined withEDCS
INVInvicto426024BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Argentorate (Strasbourg)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto411280BC02 - AD08Austria, Pannonia - GöttlesbrunnCombined withEDCS
INVInvicto407112BC02 - AD08Austria, Pannonia - Carnuntum (Petronell)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto386563BC02 - AD08Israel, Palestina - En HarodCombined withEDCS
INVInvictis385078Combined withEDCS
INVInvictis384942BC02 - AD08Turkey, Cappadocia - KoukousosCombined withEDCS
INVInvictus384929BC02 - AD08Turkey, KanlikavakCombined withEDCS
INVInvicto384037BC02 - AD08Turkey, Phrygia - Eumeneia (Işıklı)Combined withEDCS
INVInventi373684BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Dertosa (Tortosa)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto328341BC02 - AD07Algeria, Numidia - Nicivibus (Ngaous)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto328182BC02 - AD07Algeria, Numidia - Thamugadi (Timgad)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto279549AD04Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
INVInvicti263570BC03Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
INVInvicto237641BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - ValcarlosCombined withEDCS
INVInvicto229880BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania CiteriorCombined withEDCS
INVInvicto229876BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Torre del BierzoCombined withEDCS
INVInvicto211249BC02 - AD08Germany, Aquae Mattiacorum (Wiesbaden)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto211248BC02 - AD08Germany, Aquae Mattiacorum (Wiesbaden)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto210276BC02 - AD08Switzerland, Gallia - Noviodunum (Nyon)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto204736AD03Algeria, Numidia - Hammam Sidi el-HadjCombined withEDCS
INVInvicto204283AD03Morocco, Mauretania - Banasa (Sidi Ali Bou Djenoun)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto195661AD01 - AD02Hungary, Pannonia - OndódCombined withEDCS
INVInvicto190762AD02 - AD03Romania, Thracia - Carsium (Hîrşova)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto190762AD02 - AD03Romania, Thracia - Carsium (Hîrşova)Combined withEDCS
INVInvictus184571AD03Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illyricum - Municipium Salvium (Glamoč)Combined withEDCS
INVInvictus184566AD03Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illyricum - Municipium Salvium (Glamoč)Combined withEDCS
INVInvicto178476AD02 - AD03Romania, Dacia - Sucidava (Corabia)Combined withEDCS