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» 12 examples of this abbreviation cluster in Latin inscriptions:

All attestations for this combination (for the components, go via "Combined with")
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Date Provenance Context Other clusters Full text
MGmagistri408172BC02 - AD08Austria, Pannonia - KlosterneuburgCombined withEDCS
MGmagistri408171BC02 - AD08Austria, Pannonia - KlosterneuburgCombined withEDCS
MGmagistri408170BC02 - AD08Austria, Pannonia - Vindobona (Wien)Combined withEDCS
MGmagistri408169BC02 - AD08Austria, Pannonia - Vindobona (Wien)Combined withEDCS
MGmagistri408168BC02 - AD08Austria, Pannonia - Carnuntum (Petronell)Combined withEDCS
MGmagistri408167BC02 - AD08Hungary, Pannonia - Arrabona (Győr)Combined withEDCS
MGmagistri403044BC02 - AD08Austria, Noricum - Lentia (Linz)Combined withEDCS
MGmagistri402410BC02 - AD08Austria, Noricum - Favianae (Mautern)Combined withEDCS
MGmagistri402399BC02 - AD08Austria, Noricum - OberleisCombined withEDCS
MGmagister342016BC02 - AD08Tunisia, Africa - Ammaedara (Haidra)Combined withEDCS
MGmagister200139AD04 - AD08Tunisia, Africa - Ammaedara (Haidra)Combined withEDCS
MGmagistri195860BC02 - AD08Austria, Pannonia - KlosterneuburgCombined withEDCS