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» 11 examples of this abbreviation cluster in Latin inscriptions:

All attestations for this combination (for the components, go via "Combined with")
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Date Provenance Context Other clusters Full text
V Avixit anno588340AD01Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
V Avixit anno583766BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
V Avixit anno574385AD01Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
V Avixit anno367959BC02 - AD08Tunisia, Africa - Thugga (Dougga)Combined withEDCS
V Avixit anno342210BC02 - AD08Tunisia, Africa - Thigibba BureCombined withEDCS
V Avixit anno339276BC02 - AD08Algeria, Mauretania - Caesarea (Cherchell)Combined withEDCS
V Avixit anno336818BC02 - AD08Algeria, Mauretania - SatafisCombined withEDCS
V Avixit anno335472BC02 - AD07Algeria, Numidia - UzelisCombined withEDCS
V Avixit anno325876BC02 - AD07Algeria, Numidia - Castellum ArsacalitanumCombined withEDCS
V Avixit anno325242BC02 - AD07Algeria, Numidia - MacomadesCombined withEDCS
V Avixit anno277699AD01Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS