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» 14 examples of this abbreviation cluster in Latin inscriptions:

All attestations for this combination (for the components, go via "Combined with")
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Date Provenance Context Other clusters Full text
TESSARIUStesserarius570990BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
TESSERARtesserarius504452BC02 - AD08Italy, Etruria - Pisae (Pisa)Combined withEDCS
TESSERtesserarius404265BC02 - AD08Hungary, Pannonia - Aquincum (Budapest)Combined withEDCS
TEStesserarius385131BC02 - AD08Turkey, Phrygia - Ankyra (Ankara)Combined withEDCS
TEStesserarius288197AD03Italy, Umbria - AcqualagnaCombined withEDCS
TEStesserarius210263BC02 - AD08Germany, Gallia - Mogontiacum (Mainz)Combined withEDCS
TEStesserarius204905BC02 - AD07Algeria, Numidia - Lambaesis (Tazoult-Lambèse)Combined withEDCS
TEStesserarius204905BC02 - AD07Algeria, Numidia - Lambaesis (Tazoult-Lambèse)Combined withEDCS
TESStesserarius196468AD02 - AD03Hungary, Pannonia - Brigetio (Komárom)Combined withEDCS
TESARARIUStesserarius191717AD03Bulgaria, Thracia - YablanitsaCombined withEDCS
TEStesserarius190996AD01Romania, Thracia - Tropaeum Traiani (Adamclisi)Combined withEDCS
TESSERtesserarius181435AD02 - AD03Romania, Dacia - Potaissa (Turda)Combined withEDCS
TEStesserarius176815BC02 - AD08Turkey, Galatia - Apollonia (Uluborlu)Combined withEDCS
TESERAtesserarius154848AD01 - AD05United Kingdom, Britannia - Isca Augusta (Caerleon)Combined withEDCS