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» 93 examples of this abbreviation cluster in Latin inscriptions:

All attestations for this combination (for the components, go via "Combined with")
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Date Provenance Context Other clusters Full text
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt579654BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt576104BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt572824BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt557222BC02 - AD08Italy, Venetia - Patavium (Padova)Combined withEDCS
B M POSUERbene merenti posuerunt555202BC02 - AD08Italy, Venetia - San Vito al TagliamentoCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt554980AD02Italy, Samnium - Superaequum (Castelvecchio Subequo)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt554295BC02 - AD08Italy, Samnium - Histonium (Vasto)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt553849AD01 - AD03Italy, Samnium - Corfinium (Corfinio)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt552550BC02 - AD08Italy, Samnium - Supinum (Trasacco)Combined withEDCS
B M PIRbene merenti posuerunt552528AD01 - AD03Italy, Samnium - Supinum (Trasacco)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt552432AD02Italy, Samnium - Marruvium (San Benedetto dei Marsi)Combined withEDCS
B M POSUERUNbene merenti posuerunt552416AD02Italy, Samnium - Marruvium (San Benedetto dei Marsi)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt552412AD02Italy, Samnium - Marruvium (San Benedetto dei Marsi)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt552373AD02Italy, Samnium - Marruvium (San Benedetto dei Marsi)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt552286AD01 - AD03Italy, Samnium - PaganicaCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt552187AD01 - AD03Italy, Samnium - Peltuinum (Prata di Ansidonia)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt552161AD01 - AD03Italy, Samnium - Peltuinum (Prata di Ansidonia)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt552147BC02 - AD08Italy, Samnium - Peltuinum (Prata di Ansidonia)Combined withEDCS
B M POSUERbene merenti posuerunt551926BC02 - AD08Italy, Samnium - Corfinium (Corfinio)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt551879BC02 - AD08Italy, Samnium - Corfinium (Corfinio)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt535873BC02 - AD08Italy, Campania - Nea Polis (Napoli)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt518243BC02 - AD08Italy, Aemilia - Placentia (Piacenza)Combined withEDCS
B M PRbene merenti posuerunt517751BC02 - AD08Italy, Aemilia - Forum Cornelii (Imola)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt517228BC02 - AD08Italy, Aemilia - RavennaCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt517213BC02 - AD08Italy, Aemilia - RavennaCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt517202BC02 - AD08Italy, Aemilia - RavennaCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt515596AD01 - AD03Italy, Apulia et Calabria (Regio II)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt513689AD01 - AD02Italy, Calabria - Kallipolis (Callipolis) - GallipoliCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt505262AD04 - AD08Italy, Etruria - Clusium (Chiusi)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt385131BC02 - AD08Turkey, Phrygia - Ankyra (Ankara)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt366629BC02 - AD08Tunisia, Africa - Gigthis (Bou Grara)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt286695AD02Italy, Umbria - Ameria (Amelia)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt286670AD02 - AD03Italy, Umbria - Pisaurum (Pesaro)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt284018AD02Italy, Samnium - Antinum (Civita d'Antino), nearCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt283898AD01 - AD02Italy, Samnium - Histonium (Vasto)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt283825AD02Italy, Samnium - Sulmo (Sulmona)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt282894AD02Italy, Samnium - Terventum (Trivento)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt282622AD01 - AD03Italy, Samnium - Corfinium (Corfinio)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt282347AD01Italy, Samnium - PescinaCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt282344AD02Italy, Samnium - Marruvium (San Benedetto dei Marsi)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt275324AD03Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
B M POSbene merenti posuerunt272268AD03Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt268934AD03Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt265208AD02 - AD03Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt246205AD02Italy, Apulia - Venusia (Venosa)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt245546AD02Italy, Apulia - SpinazzolaCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt245540AD02Italy, Apulia - SpinazzolaCombined withEDCS
B M POSbene merenti posuerunt245517AD02Italy, Apulia - Venusia (Venosa), nearCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt244978AD02Italy, Apulia - Venusia (Venosa)Combined withEDCS
B M POSbene merenti posuerunt198724AD03Syria, Apameia (Qala'at el-Medik)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt193560AD02 - AD03Serbia, Moesia - ČairCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt193520AD02 - AD03Serbia, Moesia - Novi KostolacCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt193503AD01 - AD02Republic of Macedonia, Moesia - Scupi (Skopje)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt193412AD03Serbia, Moesia - ČukljenikCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt193412AD03Serbia, Moesia - ČukljenikCombined withEDCS
B M PSbene merenti posuerunt193388AD02 - AD03Serbia, Moesia - Naissus (Niš)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt193370AD03Serbia, Moesia - KostolacCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt193368AD03Serbia, Moesia - KostolacCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt193329AD02 - AD03Serbia, Moesia - KostolacCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt193223AD02Serbia, Moesia - BarajevoCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt193176AD02Serbia, Moesia - Singidunum (Beograd), nearCombined withEDCS
B M POSUERbene merenti posuerunt193088AD02 - AD03Serbia, Moesia - Viminacium (Drmno)Combined withEDCS
B M PSbene merenti posuerunt192992AD02Serbia, Moesia - Timacum Minus (Ravna)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt192938AD02 - AD03Serbia, Moesia - Timacum Minus (Ravna)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt192802AD02 - AD03Serbia, Moesia - Timacum Minus (Ravna)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt192663AD02 - AD03Serbia, Moesia - Singidunum (Beograd)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt192647AD03Serbia, Moesia - Singidunum (Beograd)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt192621AD01 - AD02Serbia, Moesia - LeskovacCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt192545AD02 - AD03Republic of Macedonia, Moesia - Scupi (Skopje)Combined withEDCS
BEN MERTI PVSbene merenti posuerunt191568AD02 - AD03Bulgaria, Thracia - Cherven BryagCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt191554AD02 - AD03Bulgaria, Thracia - Augustae (Harlets)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt191403AD02 - AD03Romania, Thracia - Tropaeum Traiani (Adamclisi)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt191380AD02Romania, Thracia - Troesmis (Igliţa-Turcoaia)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt191108AD02 - AD03Romania, Thracia - Ibida (Slava Rusă)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt187372AD02 - AD03Croatia, Illyricum - Spalatum (Split)Combined withEDCS
B M POSUEbene merenti posuerunt187110AD02Croatia, Illyricum - Salona (Solin)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt186780AD02 - AD03Croatia, Illyricum - Salona (Solin)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt186751AD02 - AD03Croatia, Illyricum - Salona (Solin)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt186259AD02 - AD03Croatia, Illyricum - Spalatum (Split)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt184863AD02 - AD03Croatia, Illyricum - Spalatum (Split)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt184678AD02 - AD03Croatia, Illyricum - Salona (Solin)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt183854AD02 - AD03Croatia, Illyricum - BenkovacCombined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt183531AD03Croatia, Illyricum - Salona (Solin)Combined withEDCS
B M POSbene merenti posuerunt182918AD02Croatia, Illyricum - Clissa (Klis)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt182602AD03Montenegro, Illyricum - Municipium S( ) (Pljevlja)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt182428AD02Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illyricum - Ris( ) (Rogatica)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt181725AD02 - AD03Montenegro, Illyricum - Municipium S( ) (Pljevlja)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt181399AD02 - AD03Romania, Dacia - Certiae (Romita)Combined withEDCS
B M POSbene merenti posuerunt180544AD02 - AD03Romania, Dacia - Micia (Veţel)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt179693AD02 - AD03Romania, Dacia - Apulum (Alba Iulia)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt178585AD03Romania, Dacia - Ad Mediam (Mehadia)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt178421AD02 - AD03Romania, Dacia - Apulum (Alba Iulia)Combined withEDCS
B M Pbene merenti posuerunt122335AD01Italy, Histria - Tergeste (Trieste)Combined withEDCS