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» 13 examples of this abbreviation cluster in Latin inscriptions:

All attestations for this combination (for the components, go via "Combined with")
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Date Provenance Context Other clusters Full text
HER POSUERheredes posuerunt552796BC02 - AD03Italy, Samnium - Nersae (Civitella di Nesce)Combined withEDCS
HER Pheredes posuerunt517721BC02 - AD08Italy, Aemilia - Faventia (Faenza)Combined withEDCS
HERED POSheredes posuerunt476193BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Burdigala (Bordeaux)Combined withEDCS
H Pheredes posuerunt440577BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Nemausus (Nîmes)Combined withEDCS
HER Pheredes posuerunt410352BC02 - AD08Austria, Pannonia - Carnuntum (Petronell)Combined withEDCS
HEREDS POSheredes posuerunt410212BC02 - AD08Austria, Pannonia - Carnuntum (Petronell)Combined withEDCS
H Pheredes posuerunt407809BC02 - AD08Austria, Pannonia - Carnuntum (Petronell)Combined withEDCS
H Pheredes posuerunt404196BC02 - AD08Serbia, Pannonia - Novi SlankamenCombined withEDCS
HERED POSUERheredes posuerunt387016BC02 - AD08Turkey, Syria - Seleukeia PieriaCombined withEDCS
HE Pheredes posuerunt331107BC02 - AD07Algeria, Numidia - Henchir el-GuizCombined withEDCS
HERED POSURheredes posuerunt286419AD03Italy, Umbria - Sentinum (Sassoferrato)Combined withEDCS
H Pheredes posuerunt198506BC02 - AD08Turkey, Syria - Seleukeia PieriaCombined withEDCS
HE POSheredes posuerunt194431BC02 - AD08Hungary, Pannonia - Aquincum (Budapest)Combined withEDCS