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» 14 examples of this abbreviation cluster in Latin inscriptions:

All attestations for this combination (for the components, go via "Combined with")
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Date Provenance Context Other clusters Full text
MERITmeritis555071BC02 - AD08Italy, TorcelloCombined withEDCS
Mmeritis535571BC02 - AD01Italy, Campania - PompeiiCombined withEDCS
MERITmeritis415349BC02 - AD08Germany, Gallia - Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (Köln)Combined withEDCS
MERTISmeritis373439BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - LousameCombined withEDCS
MERITImeritis361952BC02 - AD08Algeria, Numidia - Hippo Regius (Annaba)Combined withEDCS
MERTISmeritis339328BC02 - AD08Algeria, Mauretania - Caesarea (Cherchell)Combined withEDCS
MERmeritis339206BC02 - AD08Algeria, Mauretania - Caesarea (Cherchell)Combined withEDCS
Mmeritis338890BC02 - AD08Algeria, Mauretania - AuziaCombined withEDCS
MERITmeritis322842BC02 - AD07Algeria, Numidia - El-Gosset Mta el-ArnebCombined withEDCS
MRITISmeritis265268BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
MERmeritis241140BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Turgalium (Trujillo)Combined withEDCS
MERmeritis212031AD01Germany, Gallia - Mogontiacum (Mainz)Combined withEDCS
MERImeritis191342AD04Bulgaria, Thracia - Cherven BryagCombined withEDCS
RIIISmeritis185768AD02 - AD03Bosnia and Herzegovina, Illyricum - Delminium (Tomislavgrad)Combined withEDCS