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» 28 examples of this abbreviation cluster in Latin inscriptions:

All attestations for this combination (for the components, go via "Combined with")
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Date Provenance Context Other clusters Full text
NON SEPTNonas Septembres631940AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPNonas Septembres629473AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres627498AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPNonas Septembres625556AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTEBNonas Septembres625102AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres624489AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
N SEPNonas Septembres622941AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTEMBRNonas Septembres622718AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres622246AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres578229BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SENonas Septembres573634BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres544207BC01 - AD01Italy, Latium - Mons Albanus (Rocca di Papa)Combined withEDCS
NON SEPTEMBRNonas Septembres536099BC02 - AD08Italy, Campania - Puteoli (Pozzuoli)Combined withEDCS
NON SEPTENonas Septembres531744BC02 - AD01Italy, Campania - PompeiiCombined withEDCS
NON SEPNonas Septembres437908AD04 - AD08France, Gallia - Arelate (Arles)Combined withEDCS
NON SEBTENBRENonas Septembres315505AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
N SEPTNonas Septembres311155AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres310487AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres309539AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres304941AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres304512AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres301365AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres301365AD04 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NONS SNonas Septembres273646AD03Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres253131Combined withEDCS
NON SEPTEMBNonas Septembres215745AD06Austria, Noricum - Spittal an der DrauCombined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres183588AD05Croatia, Illyricum - Salona (Solin)Combined withEDCS
NON SEPTNonas Septembres176870BC02 - AD08Turkey, Phrygia - Ankyra (Ankara)Combined withEDCS