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» 20 examples of this abbreviation cluster in Latin inscriptions:

All attestations for this combination (for the components, go via "Combined with")
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Date Provenance Context Other clusters Full text
ORNAMornamentis570581BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis536057AD02 - AD03Italy, Campania - Puteoli (Pozzuoli)Combined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis514562BC02 - AD08Italy, Apulia - Ligures Baebiani (Circello)Combined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis503976AD01Italy, Etruria - Tarquinii (Tarquinia)Combined withEDCS
ORNAMornamentis489991BC02 - AD08Italy, Sardinia - Sulci (Sant'Antioco)Combined withEDCS
ORNAornamentis411788BC02 - AD08Romania, Thracia - Tomis (Constanţa)Combined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis382373BC02 - AD03Greece, Isthmos - KorinthosCombined withEDCS
ORNAMornamentis286578AD01Italy, Umbria - Asisium (Assisi)Combined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis285437BC02 - AD08Italy, Transpadana - Comum (Como)Combined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis285338AD01 - AD02Italy, Transpadana - Mediolanum (Milano)Combined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis244200BC02 - AD08Italy, Aemilia - Ariminum (Rimini)Combined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis244181BC02 - AD08Italy, Aemilia - Boncellino di BagnacavalloCombined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis223574BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Corduba (Córdoba)Combined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis211615AD02 - AD03Germany, Niedaltdorf (?)Combined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis207691BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Limonum (Poitiers)Combined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis177790BC02 - AD08Greece, Isthmos - KorinthosCombined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis177173AD01Greece, Isthmos - KorinthosCombined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis177126AD01Greece, Isthmos - KorinthosCombined withEDCS
ORNAMENTornamentis125258BC01 - AD01Italy, Venetia - AquileiaCombined withEDCS
ORNAMornamentis0Combined withEDCS