The abbreviation HE for haec occurs 2 times.

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Alternative solutions for the abbreviation HE
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Frequency
HE heres 22
HE He 15
HE heredes 9
HE Helveticis 5
HE Herculi 5
HE Hertori 5
HE Helvius 4
HE Herculia 4
HE Herennius 4
HE Hemesenorum 3
HE Herenni 3
HE haec 2
HE Haeduus 1
HE Heena 1
HE Heliani 1
HE Helvii 1
HE hemina 1
HE Herculis 1
HE herede 1
HE heredem 1
HE heredibusque 1
HE Herennia 1
HE heris 1
HE Herius 1
HE Hermes 1
HE Hertorius 1
HE Hic 1