The abbreviation PON for Pontio occurs 1 times.

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Alternative solutions for the abbreviation PON
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Frequency
PON pontifici 49
PON pontifex 46
PON Pon 22
PON ponendum 21
PON Ponti 9
PON poni 5
PON pondo 4
PON pontifice 2
PON pontificis 2
PON Pontius 2
PON ponantur 1
PON Pondus 1
PON ponendam 1
PON ponere 1
PON poneret 1
PON ponifex 1
PON ponifice 1
PON ponifici 1
PON ponificis 1
PON Ponpei 1
PON Pontianae 1
PON pontificatus 1
PON Pontio 1
PON Pontis 1
PON posuit 1