The abbreviation SC for scripsit occurs 1 times.

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Alternative solutions for the abbreviation SC
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Frequency
SC Scupis 39
SC sanctae 19
SC sancti 16
SC sc 14
SC sciens 13
SC scito 13
SC Sanctus 10
SC scombri 9
SC Scauri 7
SC sacrum 6
SC contrascriptor 5
SC scitis 5
SC scitum 5
SC Scapularum 5
SC sancto 4
SC scenice 4
SC sancta 3
SC Scaptia 3
SC scaeva 3
SC scripula 3
SC Scythicae 3
SC Sanct 2
SC Scaevolae 2
SC sacra 2
SC scita 2
SC Scoti 2
SC scribundo 2
SC sacri 1
SC sacrorum 1
SC sacris 1
SC scabrities 1
SC Scaevae 1
SC scientem 1
SC sciteis 1
SC scholastici 1
SC scholae 1
SC scitorum 1
SC Scentius 1
SC Scentio 1
SC contrascriptores 1
SC Scotti 1
SC Scottius 1
SC scriba 1
SC scribae 1
SC scribendo 1
SC Scribonio 1
SC Scaurus 1
SC scripsit 1
SC scriptum 1
SC contrascriptori 1
SC Scrofae 1
SC scrum 1
SC scrutator 1
SC misce 1
SC scutarius 1
SC scutatae 1
SC sacerdoti 1
SC secunda 1
SC secundus 1
SC sic 1
SC societatem 1