The abbreviation X for vixit occurs 4 times.

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Alternative solutions for the abbreviation X
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Frequency
X Xmilia 90
X Xlibrae 31
X X 22
X Xmilibus 22
X ex 5
X Xanthus 5
X vixit 4
X Xcentena 3
X Xsextarii 3
X est 2
X Xdeciens 2
X Xdenarios 2
X Xmilium 2
X Xristo 2
X annos 1
X dies 1
X IX 1
X Kalendas 1
X karissimo 1
X merenti 1
X pedes 1
X Xanthi 1
X Xcentenis 1
X XChristi 1
X Xdecemprimus 1
X Xdecennalibus 1
X Xdecima 1
X Xmola 1
X Xpugnarum 1
X Xristus 1
X Xuncias 1