The abbreviation cluster SC for sancto occurs 2 times.

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All solutions for the abbreviation cluster SC
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated word cluster Frequency
SC scito 11
SC Scupis 10
SC Sanctus 9
SC sancti 8
SC sc 5
SC Sanctae 3
SC scenice 3
SC sacra 2
SC sancta 2
SC sancto 2
SC Scythicae 2
SC contrascriptor 1
SC sacrum 1
SC Sanct 1
SC scabrities 1
SC scaeva 1
SC Scaptia 1
SC Scauri 1
SC Scaurus 1
SC scholastici 1
SC scitum 1
SC Scotti 1
SC scriba 1
SC scribundo 1
SC Scrofae 1
SC sic 1
SC societatem 1