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Teianteus daughter of Teos

TM Arch id: 233

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private archive (including older title deeds of the Theban house)
Found in: U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west)
BC04 BC03
Also called archive of Teineni

Protagonist: Teianteus (Go to TM People)

Description: Teianteus was a member of an Egyptian priestly family living in early Ptolemaic Thebes. Most archival texts are not related to Teianteus, but to her house in the period 324-276 BC, located in northern Thebes in the district known as the ‘House of the Cow’. The archive includes several documents of previous owners (title deeds, marriage contracts, an agreement regarding the building of a wall against the house, loans with the house as mortgage, the cession of an unlawful claim to house), as well as receipts for the transfer tax paid in three instalments by Taienteus when she bought the house and became the last known owner.

Publication: P. BM Glanville; P. Ryl. Dem. 10-11

Studies: Pestman, Familiearchieven uit het land van Pharao, 1989, p. 14-24

Lists: Seidl, Ptolemäische Rechtsgeschichte, 1962, p. 19-20 no. 2; Lüddeckens, LÄ VI, 1986, col. 880 (IV. D); O. Chicago Muhs, 2005, p. 130

Works: P. Moscow inv. 113, 115, 116 are still unpublished.

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Stable URI (with TM Arch ID): www.trismegistos.org/archive/233
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23 texts (of which 22 certain, 1 uncertain)

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TM number Publication Status Material Language Date
TM 46108 P. Eheverträge 9 + P. Libbey p. 2 uncertain papyrus Demotic BC 337 Jan 15 - Feb 13 (Chababash, year 01, Hathyr)
TM 43751 P. BM Glanville p. XXVII-XXXI certain papyrus Demotic BC 324 Nov 12 - Dec 11 (Alexander 3, year 09, Thoth)
TM 44664 P. Eheverträge 10 + P. Ryl. Dem. 10 certain papyrus Demotic BC 315 Jan 9 - Feb 7 (Alexander 4, year 02, Hathyr)
TM 43755 P. Brux. Dem. 2 + Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (JEA) 54 (1968), p. 194-196 + P. BM Glanville p. XXXVI-XLI certain papyrus Demotic BC 301 Dec 6 - 300 Jan 3 (P01, year 05, Phaophi; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 100)
TM 43759 P. BM Glanville p. 4-9 no. 10522 certain papyrus Demotic BC 297 Sep 1 - 30 (P01, year 08, Epeiph)