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search for non standard spellings: 2021-10-04 15:46:57

I am wondering how I can search for non standard spellings of lexemes. For example, not only κοιτάζω but also κυτάζω or κιτάζω. It seems as if the results returned in word search concern only the standard lexeme spelling. Many thanks!

Wildcard?: 2020-11-19 23:56:38

Is there a character to use as a wildcard in TM Word searches?

LDAB Search Results: 2020-06-07 17:58:03

I ran an LDAB search for Aeschylus (entered in the Ancient Author & Work) field, which returned only 7 hits, despite the fact that Aeschylus is listed as an author in many more files: the same search from the TM homepage, for example, returned 51 hits (while TM Authors returns 68 attestations). Searches for Sophocles (LDAB = 18 hits; TM home = 58 hits; TM authors = 67 attestations) and Euripides (LDAB = 130 hits; TM home = 223 hits; TM Authors 300 attestations) resulted in similar discrepancies. I assume that the most grievous discrepancy is because a) the LDAB expects a user to specify au...

odd variations in results for century searches: 2020-05-27 09:45:58

I ran some database reports in LDAB and found the results curious. If I run the report of report for texts in the date range of 101AD to 200AD that are of the Christian religion, it returns 4 texts. If I run the report of report for texts in the date range of 201AD to 300AD that are of the Christian religion, it returns 19 texts. So I expected the number of Christian texts in the date range of 101AD to 300AD to be 23 (4+19), but when I ran the report it gave the figure of 138. Is this an error or is there something simple I am overlooking?

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