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Anonymi of the Philologica Graeca Adespota

TM Author id: 10555 (Anonymi of the Philologica Graeca Adespota)

sex: unknown
language: Greek
genre: philology

2 attestations of works by this author in TM
2 direct attestations (filter), 0 other (filter)

Stable URI (with TM Author ID): www.trismegistos.org/author/10555

2 attestations of works by this author

(manuscript limitations: -799 to 799)

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TM id Publication Material Language Date Written Reference Passage Type
TM 60693 ZPE 12 (1973), p. 30-32 no. 12 papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Egypt Philologica Graeca Adespota 1. Direct attestation
TM 63782 Chronique d‘Égypte (CdE) 85 (2010), p. 201-206 papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Egypt Philologica Graeca Adespota 1. Direct attestation