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Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified

TM Author id: 2257 (Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota)

more info: Pinakes, CIRIS

lived BC 799 - AD 799 (often approximation)
sex: unknown
language: Greek
genre: poetry epic

TM Authorwork id: 12053 (Work not specified)

attestations in this work: TM Places (Egypt, 0), TM People (Egypt, 0)

written BC 799 - AD 799language: Greek

68 attestations of this work
65 direct attestations (filter), 3 other (filter)

Stable URI (with TM Authorwork ID): www.trismegistos.org/authorwork/12053
Selection: Work not specified (see entire workscloud for this author)

68 attestations of this work

(manuscript limitations: -799 to 799)

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TM id Publication Material Language Date Written Reference Passage Type
TM 65839 Philologischer Anzeiger 14 (1884), p. 477 descr. papyrus Greek BC04 - AD07 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 65818 P. Got. 98 papyrus Greek BC04 - AD07 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 65759 P. Grenf. 2 5 papyrus Greek BC03 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 65712 P. Hibeh 1 9 papyrus Greek BC03 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 65677 P. Hibeh 1 8 papyrus Greek BC03 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 1171 P. Cairo Zen. 4 59535 papyrus Greek BC03 Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 65707 P. L. Bat. 20 16 papyrus Greek BC03 Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 4. Commented upon
TM 65617 Classical Quarterly 43 (1949), p. 1-3 no. 1 papyrus Greek BC02 Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 5. Epitomized
TM 65614 P. Lond. Lit. 252 papyrus Greek BC02 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 65592 Jaarbericht Ex oriente lux 6 (1939), p. 60-62 papyrus Greek BC02 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 65665 ZPE 53 (1983), p. 1-25 papyrus Greek BC02 - BC01 Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 65567 P. Laur. 3 56 + Analecta Papyrologica 28 (2016), p. 203-205 papyrus Greek BC01 - AD01 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 65558 P. Schubart 8 papyrus Greek BC01 - AD01 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63228 P. Harris 1 5 papyrus Greek AD01 - AD02 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63074 P. Harris 1 4 papyrus Greek AD01 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63078 P. Harris 1 7 papyrus Greek AD01 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63112 P. Haun. 1 4 papyrus Greek AD01 Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63191 P. Oxy. 4 672 papyrus Greek AD01 Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63224 P. Harris 1 3 papyrus Greek AD01 - AD02 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 65566 PSI 14 1386 Ro papyrus Greek AD01 - AD02 Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 66978 ZPE 133 (2000), p. 56-60 papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63343 P. Palau Rib. Lit. 22 papyrus Greek AD02 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63447 PSI 15 1469 papyrus Greek AD02 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63513 P. Lond. 3 p. LVII no. 1109 c descr. papyrus Greek AD02 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63516 Perale, Adespota papyracea hexametra Graeca (APHex) 1 30 papyrus Greek AD02 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63536 P. Ryl. Gr. 3 494 + Perale, Adespota papyracea hexametra Graeca (APHex) 1 24 papyrus Greek AD02 Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63625 P. Oxy. 30 2520 papyrus Greek AD02 Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63763 BKT 9 70 papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63783 P. Cairo Cat. 10578 descr. papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 68737 PSI 15 1501 papyrus Greek AD02 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63830 Journal des Savants (2023), p. 351-384 papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63830 Journal des Savants (2023), p. 351-384 papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 100208 Annales du Service des antiquités de l‘Égypte (ASAE) 26 (1926), p. 203 no. 47270 papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 113262 P. Oxy. 72 4847 papyrus Greek AD02 Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 60693 ZPE 12 (1973), p. 30-32 no. 12 papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 4. Commented upon
TM 64674 Mélanges Weil p. 291-297 papyrus Greek AD02 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63800 PSI 15 1466 papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 63931 MPER N.S. 3 15 papyrus Greek AD02 - AD03 Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 64267 P. Schubart 5 papyrus Greek AD03 - AD04 Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 64084 P. Oxy. 2 214 papyrus Greek AD03 Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 66746 P. Bingen 15 papyrus Greek AD03 - AD04 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 64068 P. Oxy. 3 434 papyrus Greek AD03 Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 64063 P. Oxy. 3 422 papyrus Greek AD03 Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 64028 Analecta Papyrologica 36 (2023), p. 27-30 papyrus Greek AD03 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 64003 P. Oxy. 7 1015 papyrus Greek AD03 Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 64272 ZPE 6 (1970), p. 168-169 no. 6 papyrus Greek AD03 - AD04 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 64141 P. Ant. 1 17 + Analecta Papyrologica 36 (2023), p. 7-11 papyrus Greek AD03 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 64639 BKT 5.2 p. 145-146 no. XXII 4 papyrus Greek AD04 - AD06 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 64559 PSI 15 1467 - 1468 papyrus Greek AD04 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation
TM 64495 P. Ant. 2 57 papyrus Greek AD04 Egypt Anonymi of the Epica Graeca Adespota, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation