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Phrynichus Arabius, Work not specified

TM Author id: 688 (Phrynichus Arabius)

more info: Wikipedia, Pinakes, TLG Canon (register), CIRIS, VIAF, Wikidata, TM Real

lived AD 100 - 199 (often approximation)
ethnic: of Bithynia / Bythinos (TM Geo 440)
sex: man
language: Greek
genre: grammar, sophist
biblio: RE Phrynichos 8

Works not attested in TM Texts and only known from manuscripts postdating AD 800 or from references in other authors not yet processed in TM: Praeparatio sophistica; Eclogae; Collection of Usages.

TM Authorwork id: 2373 (Work not specified)

attestations in this work: TM Places (Egypt, 0), TM People (Egypt, 0)

written AD 100 - 199language: Greek

1 attestations of this work
1 direct attestations (filter), 0 other (filter)

Stable URI (with TM Authorwork ID): www.trismegistos.org/authorwork/2373
Selection: Work not specified (see entire workscloud for this author)

1 attestations of this work

(manuscript limitations: -799 to 799)

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TM id Publication Material Language Date Written Reference Passage Type
TM 62518 P. Lond. Lit. 183 papyrus Greek AD02 Egypt Phrynichus Arabius, Work not specified 1. Direct attestation