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1 January 899 BC to 31 December 700 BC

From , Pauni 2 to year 16 of Shabaka and year 3 of Shabataka, Epeiph 21

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/-206730

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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
51403Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (JEA) 57 (1971), p. 122BC 899 - 712 (year 14, Pauni 08; cf. Edwards, JEA 57 (1971), p. 122)papyrus Abnormal Hieratic Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
109221Kákosy, Egyptian healing statues p. 157-165BC 899 - 850 (first half of AD09)stone (limestone) Hieroglyphic Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
869543O. Arad Hebrew 67BC 899 - 800pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869544O. Arad Hebrew 68BC 899 - 800pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869545O. Arad Hebrew 69BC 899 - 800pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869546O. Arad Hebrew 70BC 899 - 800pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869547O. Arad Hebrew 71BC 899 - 800?pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869548O. Arad Hebrew 72BC 899 - 800?pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869549O. Arad Hebrew 73BC 899 - 800?pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869550O. Arad Hebrew 74BC 899 - 800?pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869551O. Arad Hebrew 75BC 899 - 800?pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869556O. Arad Hebrew 80BC 899 - 800?pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869571O. Arad Hebrew 95BC 899 - 800pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869572O. Arad Hebrew 96BC 899 - 800?pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869574O. Arad Hebrew 98BC 899 - 800pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869576O. Arad Hebrew 100BC 899 - 800pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869577O. Arad Hebrew 101BC 899 - 800pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869578O. Arad Hebrew 102BC 899 - 800pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869579O. Arad Hebrew 103BC 899 - 800pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
869580O. Arad Hebrew 104BC 899 - 800?pottery Hebrew Israel, Palestina - Arad (Tel Arad) [found & written]
872761Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 30BC 899 - 800stone (sandstone) Phoenician Cyprus (?) [found & written]
872889Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 203BC 899 - 700stone Aramaic Syria, Epiphaneia (Hama) [found & written]
872890Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 204BC 899 - 700stone Aramaic Syria, Epiphaneia (Hama) [found & written]
872891Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 205BC 899 - 700stone Aramaic Syria, Epiphaneia (Hama) [found & written]
872892Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 206BC 899 - 700stone Aramaic Syria, Epiphaneia (Hama) [found & written]
872893Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 207BC 899 - 700stone Aramaic Syria, Epiphaneia (Hama) [found & written]
872894Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 208BC 899 - 700stone Aramaic Syria, Epiphaneia (Hama) [found & written]
872895Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 209BC 899 - 700stone Aramaic Syria, Epiphaneia (Hama) [found & written]
872896Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 210BC 899 - 700stone Aramaic Syria, Epiphaneia (Hama) [found & written]
872897Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 211BC 899 - 700stone Aramaic Syria, Epiphaneia (Hama) [found & written]
872898Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 212BC 899 - 700stone Aramaic Syria, Epiphaneia (Hama) [found & written]
872899Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (2nd ed.) 213BC 899 - 700stone Aramaic Syria, Epiphaneia (Hama) [found & written]
915282A sanctuary of Zeus on Mount Hymettos (Hesperia Suppl. 16) p. 34 no. 118BC 899 - 700 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Attica - Hymettos [found & written]
753343State Archives of Assyria (SAA) 12 68BC 891 - 884 (Tukulti-Ninurta 2)clay Akkadian Iraq, Mesopotamia - Assur (Qalat Sherqat) [found & written]
111278Hodjash / Berlev, The Egyptian reliefs and stelae in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 105BC 888 - 872 (Takelothis 1; the pontificate of Iuwelot coincides with Takelothis I's reign, comprising the last year of his father Osorkon I)stone (granite) Hieroglyphic Egypt, U04b - Thebes (?) [found & written]
113302Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 2 p. 83 no. 16.21BC 888 - 872 about (Takelothis 1)stone Hieroglyphic Egypt, L18 - Boubastos (Tell Basta) [found & written]
113520Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 2 p. 77-80 no. 16.8BC 888 - 872 about (Takelothis 1)stone (granite) Hieroglyphic Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east), Karnak [found & written]
134523Totenbuch-Projekt (online) - TM 134523BC 888 - 872 (Takelothis 1)papyrus Hieratic Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
134740Totenbuch-Projekt (online) - TM 134740BC 888 - 712 (dynasty 22 late - 23)papyrus Hieratic Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
135298Totenbuch-Projekt (online) - TM 135298BC 888 - 712stone? Hieroglyphic? Egypt [found & written]
97876Sitzb. Berl. Akad. (1921), 15, p. 299-300BC 882? (Takelothis 1 or Takelothis 2, year 23, Pachons 11)papyrus Hieratic Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
113519Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 2 p. 83 no. 16.22BC 881 about (Takelothis 1, year 09)stone Hieroglyphic Egypt [found & written]
761598Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 6 2916BC 880stone? Greek Lebanon, Syria - Al-Yammunah [found & written]
48774P. Eheverträge 1BC 879 (Takelothis 1, year 14, Hathyr 06)papyrus Hieratic Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east) [written]
Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found]
865204Donner / Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (KAI) (5th ed.) 309BC 875 - 825?stone Akkadian / Aramaic Syria, Sikani (Tell Fakhariya) [found & written]
110837Sowada / Ockinga (ed.), Egyptian art Nicholson Sydney p. 197-210BC 872 - 762 (Osorkon 2 or Osorkon 3; most probably Osorkon 2, who completed the temple)stone (granite) Hieroglyphic Egypt, L09 - Bousiris (Abusir), temple of Bastet [found & written]
113295Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 2 p. 124 no. 18.44BC 872 - 831 about ((Osorkon 2))faience Hieroglyphic Egypt, L01 - Memphis [found & written]
113301Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 2 p. 116 no. 18.20BC 872 - 831 about (Osorkon 2)faience Hieroglyphic Egypt, L18 - Boubastos (Tell Basta) (?) [found & written]
113323Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 2 p. 152 no. 18.87BC 872 - 831cloth (linen) Hieroglyphic Egypt, U04b - Thebes (?) [found & written]
113329Jansen-Winkeln, Inschriften der Spätzeit 2 p. 130 no. 18.64BC 872 - 831 about ((Osorkon 2))stone Hieroglyphic Egypt, L01 - Memphis [found & written]