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1 January 80 BC to 31 December 60 BC

From year 37 of Ptolemaeus IX and year 2 of Cleopatra Berenice III becomes year 2 of Cleopatra Berenice III (briefly with Ptolemaeus XI) and year 1 of Ptolemaeus XII becomes year 1 of Ptolemaeus XII, Choiak 22 to year 22 of Ptolemaeus XII, Choiak 26

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/92410

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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
4525BGU 4 1190BC 80 afterpapyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites [written]
Egypt, U20 - Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq) [found]
6543I. Fayoum 1 9BC 80 - 68 (P12 K5)stone (limestone) Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [written]
Egypt, 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (?) [found]
7163SB 1 4963BC 80 - 68 ((P12) K5; K5 ceased to be mentioned in dates after BC 68)stone (limestone) Greek Egypt [found & written]
8157I. Fayoum 3 145BC 80 - 68 (P12)stone (limestone) Greek Egypt, 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) [found & written]
8342I. Philae 1 47BC 80 before (P12)stone Greek Egypt, U01 - Philai [find place, place of writing & preservation]
42998I. Fayoum 1 10BC 80 - 68 (P12)stone (limestone) Greek Egypt, 00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum), Kiman Fares [found & written]
48062SEG 38 117BC 80 - 79?stone (marble) Greek Greece, Attica - Athenai [found & written]
80781I. Philae 1 45BC 80 before (P12?, year 12, Tybi)stone Greek Egypt, U01 - Philai [find place, place of writing & preservation]
80782I. Philae 1 46BC 80 before (P12?, year 17, Pachons 24)stone Greek Egypt, U01 - Philai [find place, place of writing & preservation]
80783I. Philae 1 48BC 80 before (P12)stone Greek Egypt, U01 - Philai [find place, place of writing & preservation]
80784I. Philae 1 49BC 80 before (P12)stone Greek Egypt, U01 - Philai [find place, place of writing & preservation]
80847I. Philae 1 121BC 80 beforestone Greek Egypt, U01 - Philai [find place, place of writing & preservation]
128531Sapientia Felicitas. Festschrift für Günter Vittmann (Cahiers de l'ENiM 14) p. 541-548BC 80 - 68?papyrus Demotic Egypt [written]
Egypt, U20 - Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq) [found]
170375Imagines Italicae 1 p. 535 no. Teanum Sidicinium 4BC 80pottery (black slip) Italic Italy, Campania - Teanum Sidicinum (Teano) [found & written]
219561Lexicon Leponticum (LexLep) CO·79BC 80 - 70 afterpottery Lepontic Italy, Transpadana - Alzate Brianza [found & written]
219721Lexicon Leponticum (LexLep) NM·5BC 80 aftermetal (silver) Lepontic? Italy, North (?) [found & written]
247364Inscriptiones Italiae III.1 242BC 80 - 60stone Latin Italy, Lucania - Tegianum (Teggiano) [found & written]
249691Inscriptiones Latinae selectae (ILS) 2.1 6357 aBC 80 - 60 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
254314CIL I(2).2.1 1576 [a]BC 80 - 60stone Latin Italy, Campania - Caiatia (Caiazzo) [found & written]
254316CIL I(2).2.1 1576 [b]BC 80 - 60stone Latin Italy, Campania - Caiatia (Caiazzo) [found & written]
254548Memorie dell'Accademia dei Lincei (MAL). Serie 5 22 (1913), p. 764 [a?]BC 80 - 60stone (mosaic) Latin Italy, Campania - Cumae (Cuma) [found & written]
175489Année épigraphique 1986 272BC 80 - 71 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Sardinia - Forum Traiani (Fordongianus) [found & written]
522681CIL I(2).2.1 1645 aBC 80 - 60 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
522682CIL I(2).2.1 1645 bBC 80 - 60 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
535369CIL I(2).2.1 1628BC 80 - 60 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
535378CIL I(2).2.1 1635BC 80 - 60 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
535490CIL I(2).2.1 1629BC 80 - 60 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
535491CIL I(2).2.1 1630BC 80 - 60 (cf. EDR)stone? Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
535732CIL I(2).2.4 3127BC 80 - 60 (cf. EDR)stone? Latin Italy, Campania - Nola [found & written]
569031CIL I(2).2.1 893BC 80stone? Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
667473Chioffi (ed.), Il Mediterraneo e la storia (Napoli 2008) p. 58BC 80 - 61stone (mosaic) Latin Italy, Campania - Cumae (Cuma) [found & written]
769265I. Délos 1893BC 80 - 60stone? Greek Greece, Cyclades - Delos [found & written]
769309I. Délos 1943BC 80 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Cyclades - Delos [found & written]
769319I. Délos 1955BC 80 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Cyclades - Delos [found & written]
769851I. Délos 2508BC 80 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Cyclades - Delos [found & written]
789686IG II-III(2).2.2 1715BC 80 aboutstone? Greek Greece - Attica [found & written]
804255IG V.1 1144BC 80 aboutstone Greek Greece, Laconia - Gytheion [found & written]
808886IG IX.2 534 + SEG 61 465BC 80 - 70 aboutstone (marble) Greek Greece, Thessalia - Larisa [found & written]
814784Fouilles de Delphes 3.2 55BC 80 aboutstone Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
814859Fouilles de Delphes 3.2 130BC 80 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
815198Fouilles de Delphes 3.3 175BC 80 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Phocis - Delphoi [found & written]
841435Sherk, Roman documents from the Greek East 19BC 80stone? Greek Turkey, Lycia - Kormoi [found & written]
843803Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (IK) 3 73BC 80stone? Greek Turkey, Troas - Troy (Hisarlık) [found & written]
844188Dunant / Pouilloux, Recherches sur l'histoire et les cultes de Thasos 2 no. 170BC 80 - 70 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Sporades - Thasos [found & written]
881574SEG 28 530BC 80 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Epirus - Dodona [found & written]
882410Corpus des inscriptions de Thasos 5 1BC 80 - 78stone Greek Greece, Sporades - Thasos [found & written]
882726SEG 29 1614 (17)BC 80 shortly afterstone? Greek Israel, Palestina - Tel Istabah [found & written]
888702IG II-III(3).4.1 375BC 80 aboutstone Greek Greece, Attica - Athenai [found & written]
900334SEG 54 560BC 80 - 70 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Thessalia - Larisa [found & written]
900820Alexandrescu (ed.), Histria VII. La zone sacrée d'époque grecque p. 269 no. A 51BC 80 about or afterstone? Greek Romania, Thracia - Istros (Istria) [found & written]