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1 January 30 BC to 31 December 20 AD

From year 22 of Cleopatra VII and year 7 of Cleopatra VII, Tybi 4 to year 7 of Tiberius, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/110672

6573 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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Page 1 of 132

TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
6291I. Louvre 101BC 30 - 1? (cf. I. Louvre 101; against Dain and SB 5 7903)stone (limestone) Greek Egypt [found & written]
9505BGU 7 1598 IBC 30 - AD 14 ((Augustus))papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) [found & written]
13597P. Tebt. 2 525 Vo descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) [found & written]
13598P. Tebt. 2 525 Ro descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) [found & written]
14466SB 14 11502BC 30 - AD 15? (Thoth 21 (Sep 18 or 19))pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
16084SB 12 10927BC 30 - AD 15papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
16459P. IFAO 2 24BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
17452SB 16 12700BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
18493BGU 4 1050BC 30 - AD 14 (cf. van Minnen, Tyche 35 (2020), p. 231)papyrus Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [written]
Egypt, U20 - Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq) [found]
18537BGU 4 1099BC 30 - 23 (Augustus; cf. Vo; HGV: BC 30 - AD 14)papyrus Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [written]
Egypt, U20 - Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq) [found]
18538BGU 4 1100 RoBC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)papyrus Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [written]
Egypt, U20 - Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq) [found]
18565BGU 4 1123BC 30 - AD 14papyrus Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [written]
Egypt, U20 - Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq) [found]
18609BGU 4 1159BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)papyrus Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [written]
Egypt, U20 - Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq) [found]
18635BGU 4 1178 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)papyrus Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [written]
Egypt, U20 - Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq) [found]
18639BGU 4 1183 descr.BC 30 - AD 14papyrus Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [written]
Egypt, U20 - Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq) [found]
20106BGU 3 1001BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)papyrus Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [written]
Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found]
20436P. Oxy. 4 736BC 30 - AD 14 about ((Feb 18 or 19) after)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20437P. Oxy. 4 738BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20438P. Oxy. 4 739BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20443P. Oxy. 4 745BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [written]
Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found]
20445P. Oxy. 4 785 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20450P. Oxy. 4 791 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20455P. Oxy. 4 799 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20463P. Oxy. 4 813 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20465P. Oxy. 4 815 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20471P. Oxy. 4 819 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20473P. Oxy. 4 821 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20474P. Oxy. 4 822 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20478P. Oxy. 4 827 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20479P. Oxy. 4 829 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20481P. Oxy. 4 833 descr.BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
21219P. Köln Gr. 3 147BC 30 - AD 15papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
21759P. Oxy. 8 1143BC 30 - AD 14 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
23019P. Reinach Gr. 2 99BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchites [found & written]
23299BGU 16 2577 RoBC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolis (Ihnasya el-Medina) [written]
Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites [found]
23300BGU 16 2577 Vo (p. 48-50)BC 30 - AD 14? (Augustus)papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites [found & written]
23315BGU 16 2592BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Phys [written]
Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites (?) [found]
23316BGU 16 2593BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus, year [ ], Choiak 25 (Dec 21 or 22))papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Phebichis [written]
Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites (?) [found]
23320BGU 16 2597BC 30 - AD 14? (Augustus?; Dizionario Suppl. 3 p. 152.153: BC 21 - 20)papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Toy (Tuwa) (?) [written]
Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites (?) [found]
25670ZPE 215 (2020), p. 277-283BC 30 - AD 14papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
40778Petrie, Hawara, Biahmu and Arsinoe p. 36 no. 70 descr.BC 30 - AD 14?papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Themistou Meris [written]
Egypt, 00a - Haueris (Hawara) [found]
43947Wagner, Der Sarkophag des Gottesgemahlin Anchnesneferibre p. 7-10 [reuse]BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)stone Hieroglyphic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant) [found & written]
44145Graff. Dodec. Philae 327BC 30 - AD 6stone (limestone) Demotic Egypt, U01 - Philai [find place, place of writing & preservation]
46933SB 18 13575BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus, year [ ], Pauni 11)pottery Demotic / Latin Egypt, U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu) [found & written]
47458Short Texts 4 2377BC 30 - AD 14?stone (sandstone) Demotic Egypt, U06 - Tentyris (Dendera) [found & written]
50015O. Med. Habu Dem. 120BC 30 - AD 14 ((Augustus))pottery Demotic Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Medinet Habu [found & written]
50029O. Med. Habu Dem. 134BC 30 - AD 14 (Yanne Broux: new date on the basis of known individual)pottery Demotic Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Medinet Habu [found & written]
50324Herbin, Books of breathing and related texts p. 37-45BC 30 - AD 10 (based on dating of TM ID 48539)papyrus Hieratic / Hieroglyphic Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west) [found & written]
52235Short Texts 1 124 + Studies Shore p. 5-8 no. 2BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)stone (sandstone) Demotic / Hieroglyphic Egypt, U06 - Tentyris (Dendera) [found & written]
52765Short Texts 1 39BC 30 - AD 14 (Augustus)metal (bronze) Demotic Egypt, U06 - Tentyris (Dendera), hoards [found & written]