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1 January 27 BC to 31 December 40 AD

From year 3 of Augustus, Tybi 5 to year 5 of Caligula becomes year 1 of Claudius, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/111768

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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
96673I. Syr. 2001BC 27stone Greek Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Valley of the Kings [find place, place of writing & preservation]
120769IG X.2.1 Suppl. 1 1360BC 27 - AD 15stone Latin Greece, Macedonia - Thessalonike [found & written]
121714Année épigraphique 1993 1403BC 27 - AD 14stone? Latin Greece, Epirus - Nikopolis (Palaio-Preveza) [found & written]
121787IG X.2.1 Suppl. 1 1059BC 27 - AD 14stone Greek Greece, Macedonia - Thessalonike [found & written]
122838CIL V.1 1779BC 27 - AD 14stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Forum Iulii (Cividale del Friuli) [found & written]
123328Forlati Tamaro, Iscrizioni lapidarie latine del Museo Civico di Oderzo 16BC 27 - AD 14stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Opitergium (Oderzo) [found & written]
123463Année épigraphique 1984 259BC 27 - AD 37stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Opitergium (Oderzo) [found & written]
125052Atti dell'Istituto Veneto (AIV) 128 (1969-1970), p. 275-276 no. 80BC 27 - AD 14stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Altinum (Altino) [found & written]
125085Alföldy, Römische Statuen in Venetia et Histria 97BC 27 - AD 30stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Aquileia [found & written]
125218Alföldy, Römische Statuen in Venetia et Histria 239BC 27 - AD 14 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Verona [found & written]
125835CIL V.1 2024BC 27 - AD 14stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Opitergium (Oderzo) [found & written]
125953CIL V.1 2150BC 27 - AD 14stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Altinum (Altino) [found & written]
125961CIL V.1 2160BC 27 - AD 14stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Altinum (Altino) (?) [found & written]
125969CIL V.1 2169BC 27 - AD 25stone? Latin Italy, Venetia - Altinum (Altino) [found & written]
126018CIL V.1 2221BC 27 - AD 37 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Altinum (Altino) [found & written]
127774IG X.2.1 31BC 27 - AD 14 (Augustus)stone Greek Greece, Macedonia - Thessalonike [found & written]
165584RIB 2.6 2499 (7)BC 27 - AD 40pottery (coarse ware) Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Puckeridge [found & written]
175353Année épigraphique 1993 1688BC 27 - AD 14stone Greek Greece, Creta - Eleutherna (Prines) [found & written]
175889SEG 49 1750 + SEG 55 1313BC 27 - 1stone Latin Turkey, Aeolis - Kyme (Nemrut Limanı) [found & written]
176946Année épigraphique 2002 1454BC 27 - AD 14stone? Latin Turkey, Pisidia - Kuyucak [found & written]
181768Année épigraphique 1986 547BC 27 - 25stone Latin Croatia, Illyricum - Iader (Zadar) [found & written]
185931CIL III Suppl. 2 13264BC 27 - AD 14stone? Latin Croatia, Illyricum - Iader (Zadar) [found & written]
189326Šašel Kos, Inscriptiones Latinae in Graecia repertae (ILGR) 159BC 27 - AD 14stone (marble) Latin Greece, Epirus - Nikopolis (Palaio-Preveza) [found & written]
189372Corpus des inscriptions latines d'Albanie (CIA) 270BC 27 - AD 14stone (limestone) Latin Albania, Epirus - Onchesmos (Sarandë) [found & written]
121120Année épigraphique 2002 1276BC 27 - AD 14stone (marble) Greek Greece, Thessalia - Atrax (Palaiokastro) [found & written]
121121Année épigraphique 2002 1277BC 27 - AD 14stone (tuff) Greek Greece, Thessalia - Larisa [found & written]
190435Paci (ed.), Contributi all'epigrafia di età augustea p. 126-128BC 27 - AD 14stone (limestone) Latin Albania, Illyricum - Ballsh [find place, place of writing & preservation]
190516Corpus des inscriptions latines d'Albanie (CIA) 184BC 27 - AD 14stone (limestone) Latin Albania, Illyricum - Byllis (Hekalj) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
190517Corpus des inscriptions latines d'Albanie (CIA) 185BC 27 - AD 14stone (limestone) Latin Albania, Illyricum - Byllis (Hekalj) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
190518Corpus des inscriptions latines d'Albanie (CIA) 186BC 27 - AD 14stone Latin Albania, Illyricum - Byllis (Hekalj) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
190519Corpus des inscriptions latines d'Albanie (CIA) 187BC 27 - AD 14stone (limestone) Latin Albania, Illyricum - Byllis (Hekalj) [found & written]
190543Corpus des inscriptions latines d'Albanie (CIA) 212BC 27 - AD 14stone (limestone) Latin Albania, Illyricum - Byllis (Hekalj) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
211706Wiegels, Römische Steininschriften aus Koblenz p. 29-31 no. 8BC 27 - AD 37stone Latin Germany, Gallia - Confluentes (Koblenz) [found & written]
212102CIL XIII.2.1 7048BC 27 - AD 37stone Latin Germany, Gallia - Mogontiacum (Mainz) [found & written]
213001Année épigraphique 2002 993BC 27 - AD 14pottery Latin France, Gallia - Bibracte (Mont-Beuvray) [found & written]
213003Année épigraphique 2002 995BC 27 - AD 1pottery Latin France, Gallia - Bibracte (Mont-Beuvray) [found & written]
214124Année épigraphique 2000 875BC 27 - AD 30stone Latin France, Gallia - Massalia (Marseille) [found & written]
214158Inscriptions latines de Narbonnaise (ILN) 9.1 64BC 27 - AD 14stone Latin France, Gallia - Narbo (Narbonne) [found & written]
219498Lexicon Leponticum (LexLep) NO·11BC 27 - AD 14 (Augustan (archaeological context))pottery Lepontic? Italy, Transpadana - Oleggio [found & written]
219499Lexicon Leponticum (LexLep) NO·12BC 27 - AD 14 (Augustan (archaeological context))pottery Lepontic? Italy, Transpadana - Oleggio [found & written]
219513Lexicon Leponticum (LexLep) PV·2BC 27 - AD 14 (Augustan (archaeological context))pottery Lepontic? Italy, Transpadana - Garlasco [found & written]
220433CIL XI.1 3284BC 27 - 8 (cf. EDR)metal (silver) Latin Italy, Etruria - Vicarello [found & written]
229370CIL II(2).14.2 1065BC 27 - AD 14 aboutstone (limestone) Latin Spain, Hispania - Tarraco (Tarragona) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
244143CIL XI.2.1 6650BC 27 - AD 14stone (trachyte) Latin Italy, Aemilia - Mirandola [found & written]
244218Année épigraphique 1973 236BC 27 - AD 25 (cf. EDR)stone (limestone) Latin Italy, Aemilia - Forum Gallorum (Castelfranco Emilia) [found & written]
244247Année épigraphique 1976 220BC 27 - AD 14 (cf. EDR)stone (trachyte) Latin Italy, Aemilia - Mutina (Modena) [found & written]
244356CIL XI.1 1062BC 27 - AD 14stone Latin Italy, Aemilia - Parma [found & written]
244672Année épigraphique 1992 302BC 27 - AD 14stone (marble) Latin Italy, Apulia - Deliceto [found & written]
244776Année épigraphique 1938 110BC 27 - AD 14 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Apulia - Luceria (Lucera) [found & written]
245149Année épigraphique 1980 271BC 27 - AD 30stone Latin Italy, Samnium - Vibinum (Bovino) [found & written]