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1 January 70 AD to 31 December 74 AD

From year 2 of Vitellius or year 2 of Vespasianus becomes year 2 of Vespasianus, Tybi 6 to year 7 of Vespasianus, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/146832

649 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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Page 1 of 13

TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
13243P. Strasb. Gr. 9 824AD 70 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) [found & written]
158926RIB 2.4 2442 (19)AD 70 or beforewood Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Londinium (London) [found & written]
165167RIB 2.6 2492 (9)AD 70 beforepottery Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Londinium (London) [found & written]
177213Année épigraphique 2002 1315AD 70stone (limestone) Greek Greece, Messenia - Messene (Mauromati) [found & written]
190591IG X.2.1 Suppl. 1 1481AD 70 - 71stone Greek Greece, Macedonia - Thessalonike [found & written]
197843Année épigraphique 2005 1355AD 70stone Greek Greece, Thracia - Maroneia [find place, place of writing & preservation]
250313Année épigraphique 1967 86 cAD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
250790Année épigraphique 1978 92AD 70 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Formiae (Formia) [found & written]
263509Année épigraphique 1915 100AD 70 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
269573Scheid, Commentarii fratrum Arvalium qui supersunt p. 111 no. 41AD 70stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
275587CIL VI.1 1528AD 70stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
276216CIL VI.4.2 31293AD 70stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
316262PSI 16 1622AD 70 about?papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [written]
Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein), Kom Kusum [found]
176025Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (IK) 53 105AD 70?stone Latin Turkey, Troas - Alexandria (Eski Stambul) [written]
Turkey, Troas - Uluköy [found]
176985Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (IK) 61 466AD 70 aboutstone Latin Turkey, Pamphylia - Perge (Aksu), near [found & written]
208869Année épigraphique 1975 636AD 70 afterpottery Latin Netherlands, Gallia - Praetorium Agrippinae (Valkenburg) [found & written]
233459Hernández Guerra, Epigrafía romana de unidades militares relacionadas con Petavonium 1AD 70stone? Latin Spain, Hispania - Peñalba de Castro [found & written]
220678Année épigraphique 1993 1006AD 70 (cf. AE 1993 1006; EDCS: 60 - 74; RMD: 'ante a. 74'; EDH: AD 41 - 90)metal (bronze) Latin Spain, Hispania - Salpensa (Utrera), near (?) [found & written]
227071Sánchez Natalías, Sylloge of defixiones 140AD 70metal (lead) Latin Spain, Hispania - Saguntum (Sagunto) [found & written]
441322Inscriptions latines de Narbonnaise (ILN) 9.1 168AD 70 - 71 beforestone? Latin France, Gallia - Narbo (Narbonne) [found & written]
490323CIL X.2 8005AD 70 (cf. EDR)stone (trachyte) Latin Italy, Sardinia - Barbusi [found & written]
518137CIL XI.1 1171AD 70 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Aemilia - Veleia [found & written]
523107CIL IV 455AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
523355CIL IV 698AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
523446CIL IV 784AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
523851CIL IV 1146AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
523864CIL IV 1158AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530473CIL IV Suppl. 3 7129 cAD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530548CIL IV Suppl. 3 7197AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530587CIL IV Suppl. 3 7237AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530644CIL IV Suppl. 3 7281AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530654CIL IV Suppl. 3 7291AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530820CIL IV Suppl. 3 7427AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530892CIL IV Suppl. 3 7501AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530955CIL IV Suppl. 3 7543AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530981CIL IV Suppl. 3 7570AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530983CIL IV Suppl. 3 7572AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531079CIL IV Suppl. 3 7671AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531131CIL IV Suppl. 3 7724AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531136CIL IV Suppl. 3 7729AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531149CIL IV Suppl. 3 7744AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531166CIL IV Suppl. 3 7758AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531222CIL IV Suppl. 3 7814AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531247CIL IV Suppl. 3 7836AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531289CIL IV Suppl. 3 7880AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531313CIL IV Suppl. 3 7902AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531330CIL IV Suppl. 3 7920AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)stone? Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531354CIL IV Suppl. 3 7944AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531355CIL IV Suppl. 3 7945AD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
533578CIL IV Suppl. 3 9882 aAD 70 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]