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1 January 71 AD to 31 December 75 AD

From year 3 of Vespasianus, Tybi 6 to year 8 of Vespasianus, Tybi 4

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/147197

581 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
105962Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (online) no. T.279AD 71 - 72? ((Vespasianus?), year 04, Phamenoth 02)stone (rock) Greek Libya, Cyrenaica - Taucheira (Tokra) [found & written]
111946Short Texts 3 1441 [C south [4] - 1]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
111947Short Texts 3 1441 [C south [4] - 2]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
111948Short Texts 3 1441 [A north [1] - 1]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
111949Short Texts 3 1441 [A north [1] - 2]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
111950Short Texts 3 1441 [A north [1] - 3]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
111951Short Texts 3 1441 [A north [2] - 1]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
111952Short Texts 3 1441 [A north [2] - 2]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
111953Short Texts 3 1441 [A north [2] - 3]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
111986Short Texts 3 1441 [D roof [6]]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
112004Short Texts 3 1441 [B west [3]]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
112005Short Texts 3 1441 [D roof [7]]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
112006Short Texts 3 1441 [D roof [8]]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
112007Short Texts 3 1441 [D roof [9-10]]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
112008Short Texts 3 1441 [D roof [11-12]]AD 71stone Demotic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum [find place, place of writing & preservation]
198291Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae (CIIP) 1.2 712AD 71 - 72stone (limestone) Latin Israel, Palestina - Abu Gosh [found & written]
207404Cimarosti, Le iscrizioni delle Alpes Cottiae 34AD 71stone? Latin Italy, Gallia - Segusium (Susa) [found & written]
249996Année épigraphique 1928 116AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
251688Année épigraphique 1988 334AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
251689Année épigraphique 1988 335AD 71 - 74 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
254259CIL X.1 4734AD 71stone (marble) Latin Italy, Campania - Sinuessa (Mondragone) [found & written]
254628Epire, Illyrie, Macédoine... Mélanges offerts au Professeur Pierre Cabanes (ERGA 10) p. 363-372AD 71 - 73stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Ostia [find place, place of writing & preservation]
262430CIL VI.8.2 40837AD 71stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
264470CIL VI.1 941AD 71 - 73stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
271338CIL VI.1 199AD 71stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
272308CIL VI.1 931AD 71stone (marble?) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
272584CIL VI.1 1257AD 71stone (travertine) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
282016CIL VI.1 939AD 71stone? Latin Italy, Latium - Rome (?) [found & written]
203253Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (online) no. C.429AD 71 (Vespasianus)stone (limestone) Greek / Latin Libya, Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) [found & written]
203254Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (online) no. C.428AD 71stone (limestone) Greek / Latin Libya, Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) [found & written]
236566IRCatalogne 3 22AD 71stone? Latin Spain, Hispania - Emporiae (Ampurias) [found & written]
522771CIL IV 118AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
522776CIL IV 123AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
522870CIL IV 216AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
522962CIL IV 309AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
523839CIL IV 1135AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
523843CIL IV 1138AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530514CIL IV Suppl. 3 7162AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530650CIL IV Suppl. 3 7287AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530819CIL IV Suppl. 3 7426AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530825CIL IV Suppl. 3 7432AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530831CIL IV Suppl. 3 7438AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
530847CIL IV Suppl. 3 7455AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531022CIL IV Suppl. 3 7612AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531080CIL IV Suppl. 3 7672AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531119CIL IV Suppl. 3 7712AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531142CIL IV Suppl. 3 7735AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531226CIL IV Suppl. 3 7818AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531337CIL IV Suppl. 3 7927AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]
531344CIL IV Suppl. 3 7934AD 71 - 75 (cf. EDR)plaster (tectorium) Latin Italy, Campania - Pompeii [found & written]