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1 January 122 AD to 31 December 145 AD

From year 6 of Hadrianus, Tybi 6 to year 9 of Antoninus Pius, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/165825

6986 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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Page 1 of 140

TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
9326BGU 3 742AD 122 - 138papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
18296SB 18 14028AD 122 - 130pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west) [found & written]
19538P. Ryl. Gr. 2 293 descr.AD 122 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolites [found & written]
63754Chartae Latinae antiquiores (ChLA) 10 422AD 122 - 145 aboutpapyrus Latin Egypt, 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) [found & written]
69923Chartae Latinae antiquiores (ChLA) 10 423AD 122 - 145 about?papyrus Latin Egypt, 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) [found & written]
93173I. Colosse de Memnon 18AD 122 (Hadrianus, year 07, Thoth 08)stone Greek Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Colossi of Memnon [find place, place of writing & preservation]
93174I. Colosse de Memnon 19AD 122 aboutstone Greek Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Colossi of Memnon [find place, place of writing & preservation]
94774I. Syr. 59AD 122stone Greek Egypt, U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Valley of the Kings [find place, place of writing & preservation]
118391O. Claud. 4 739AD 122 after?pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
125273Alföldy, Römische Statuen in Venetia et Histria 88AD 122 - 138 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Aquileia [found & written]
155833RIB 1 1340AD 122 - 126stone Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Condercum (Benwell) [found & written]
155920RIB 1 1427AD 122 - 126stone Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Onnum (Halton Chesters) [found & written]
156130RIB 1 1637AD 122 - 126stone Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Bradley [found & written]
156131RIB 1 1638AD 122 - 126stone Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Hotbank [found & written]
156159RIB 1 1666AD 122 - 126stone Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Cawfields [found & written]
156195RIB 1 1702AD 122 - 126stone Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Vindolanda (Chesterholm) [found & written]
156128RIB 1 1635AD 122 - 138stone Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Vercovicium (Housesteads) [found & written]
156146RIB 1 1653AD 122 - 138stone Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Cawfields [found & written]
156224RIB 1 1731AD 122 - 144 aboutstone Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Aesica (Great Chesters) [found & written]
156310RIB 1 1817AD 122 - 138stone Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Magnis (Carvoran) [found & written]
176965French, Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 3.2 116AD 122stone Latin Turkey, Galatia - Ankyra (Ankara) [found & written]
177101Année épigraphique 1989 660AD 122 - 123stone Latin Greece, Achaia - Patrai [found & written]
178836Roman military diplomas (RMD) 1 26AD 122 - 124 ((May 16 - Jun 13))metal (bronze) Latin Romania, Dacia Superior (?) [written]
Romania, Dacia - Apulum (Alba Iulia) [found]
192927CIL III Suppl. 2 14499AD 122 - 138stone? Latin Bulgaria, Moesia - Ratiaria (Archar) [found & written]
201017Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 143 no. 21 hAD 122 - 123stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Theveste (Tebessa) [found & written]
256190CIL X.1 4756AD 122stone Latin Italy, Campania - Suessa Aurunca (Sessa Aurunca) [found & written]
269602Scheid, Commentarii fratrum Arvalium qui supersunt p. 215 no. 70AD 122stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
271746Rivista di archeologia cristiana (RAC) 12 (1935), p. 19 no. 1AD 122stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
352839CIL VIII Suppl. 3 22147AD 122 - 123stone Latin Tunisia, Africa - Henchir Hadj Abid [found & written]
209989Année épigraphique 1969 434AD 122 - 134stone Latin France, Gallia - Argentorate (Strasbourg) [found & written]
221235CIL II 1339AD 122 - 123stone? Latin Spain, Hispania - Baesippo (Vejer de la Frontera) [found & written]
224693CILAndalucía II.4 1040AD 122 - 123stone (marble) Latin Spain, Hispania - Guillena [found & written]
225109CILAndalucía II.2 367AD 122 - 123stone (marble) Latin Spain, Hispania - Italica (Santiponce) [found & written]
225947Corzo Sánchez / Toscane San Gil, Las vías romanas de Andalucía p. 210 no. 47AD 122 - 123stone (marble) Latin Spain, Hispania - Italica (Santiponce) [found & written]
385567French, Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 3.2 39 (B)AD 122stone Greek / Latin Turkey, Phrygia - Elmadaǧ [found & written]
385572French, Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 3.2 38 (C)AD 122stone Greek / Latin Turkey, Phrygia - Hasanoğlan [found & written]
385573French, Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 3.2 38 (D)AD 122stone Greek / Latin Turkey, Phrygia - Hasanoğlan [found & written]
544072CIL XIV 2013AD 122stone Latin Italy, Latium - Ostia [found & written]
552037CIL IX 3344AD 122 - 123stone Latin Italy, Samnium - Spoltore [found & written]
657416Année épigraphique 2011 672AD 122 - 138stone Latin United Kingdom - Britannia [found & written]
704787Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 63 (2017), p. 98-99 no. 6AD 122 (Hadrianus, year 06, Thoth 17)pottery Greek Egypt, U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan) [found & written]
760582Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 2 453AD 122stone? Greek Syria, Qatoura [found & written]
780475I. Creticae 1.18 40AD 122stone? Greek Greece, Creta - Lyktos (Xidas) [found & written]
791594IG II-III(2).3.1 3589AD 122 - 123stone? Greek Greece - Attica [found & written]
791595IG II-III(2).3.1 3590AD 122 - 123 aboutstone? Greek Greece - Attica [found & written]
791610IG II-III(2).3.1 3602AD 122 aboutstone? Greek Greece - Attica [found & written]
803209SEG 11 574AD 122 aboutstone Greek Greece, Laconia - Sparta [found & written]
830629Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 17.1 259AD 122stone Greek / Palmyrene Syria, Palmyra [found & written]
831185Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 17.1 125AD 122?stone Greek / Palmyrene Syria, Palmyra [found & written]
837853Tituli Asiae Minoris (TAM) 5.1 148AD 122 - 123stone? Greek Turkey, Lydia - Ariandos (Alaağaç) [found & written]