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1 January 140 AD to 31 December 180 AD

From year 3 of Antoninus Pius, Tybi 5 to year 21 of Commodus, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/172399

9379 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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Page 1 of 188

TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
9255BGU 2 600AD 140 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
9366BGU 3 815AD 140 - 143papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
12417P. Mil. Vogl. 4 229AD 140 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, 00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat) [found & written]
13416P. Strasb. Gr. 7 628AD 140 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
13443P. Strasb. Gr. 8 786AD 140 - 144papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
16967P. Strasb. Gr. 4 223 RoAD 140 afterpapyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada) (?) [written]
Egypt, U15 - Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada) [found]
18470P. L. Bat. 25 34AD 140 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
19431P. Giss. 1 30AD 140 - 161papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) (?) [found & written]
19513P. Ryl. Gr. 2 163AD 140 Jan 1papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolites [found & written]
19573P. Alex. p. 29 no. 311 descr.AD 140papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
23995O. Claud. 2 267AD 140 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Raima [written]
Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found]
23996O. Claud. 2 268AD 140 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Raima [written]
Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found]
23997O. Claud. 2 269AD 140 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Raima [written]
Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found]
23999O. Claud. 2 290AD 140 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
24007O. Claud. 2 356AD 140 about (Thoth 29 (Sep 26 or 27))pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
27304P. Bouriant 23AD 140 - 144 about (cf. BL 12, p. 42)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [written]
Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [destination]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
29101P. Oxy. 47 3362AD 140 - 150 (cf. BL 12, p. 150)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
69916Chartae Latinae antiquiores (ChLA) 10 414AD 140papyrus Latin Egypt [found & written]
72553O. Bodl. 2 1870AD 140 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
72554O. Bodl. 2 1871AD 140 - 150?pottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
73466O. Cairo 118AD 140 - 150 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Thebes [found & written]
73657O. Claud. 3 474AD 140 about (Antoninus Pius)pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
73682O. Claud. 3 499AD 140 - 145pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
73687O. Claud. 3 504AD 140 - 144 about (Antoninus Pius)pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
73708O. Claud. 3 525AD 140 - 145 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
73721O. Claud. 3 538AD 140 - 147 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
73779O. Claud. 3 597AD 140 - 145pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
73780O. Claud. 3 598AD 140 - 145pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
73781O. Claud. 3 599AD 140 - 145 (Antoninus Pius)pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
73787O. Claud. 3 605AD 140 - 145 (Antoninus Pius)pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
73789O. Claud. 3 607AD 140 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
73790O. Claud. 3 608AD 140 - 142 (Antoninus Pius, year [ ], Pachons (Mar 27 - Apr 25))pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
73791O. Claud. 3 609AD 140 - 145pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
76737ZPE 202 (2017), p. 227-228AD 140 - 141 (Antoninus Pius, year 04, [ ])pottery Greek Egypt, U01 - Syene (Assuan) [found & written]
77606O. Wilcken 2 1205AD 140 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east) [found & written]
79291SB 24 16061AD 140 - 145 (Mesore (Jul 25 - Aug 23))pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
92644Neugebauer / Parker, Egyptian astronomical texts 3 p. 232-235 no. 2.c & pl. 75-78AD 140 afterwood Demotic Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east) [found & written]
103461SEG 41 1628AD 140 - 180stone (marble) Greek Egypt, L03? - Kanopos (Abuqir) [found & written]
118380O. Claud. 4 728AD 140 - 145 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
118381O. Claud. 4 729AD 140 - 145pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
118485O. Claud. 4 833AD 140 - 145 about (Pharmouthi 29 (Apr 24) - Pachons 04 (Apr -29))pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
118486O. Claud. 4 834AD 140 - 145 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
118487O. Claud. 4 835AD 140 - 145 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
118488O. Claud. 4 836AD 140 - 145 aboutpottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Claudianus Mons [found & written]
120988Šašel Kos, Inscriptiones Latinae in Graecia repertae (ILGR) 170AD 140 - 141stone Greek / Latin Greece, Achaia Phthiotis - Thaumakoi (Domokos) [found & written]
125084Alföldy, Römische Statuen in Venetia et Histria 96AD 140 - 150 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Aquileia [found & written]
125287Inscriptiones Italiae X.1 39AD 140 - 160 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Croatia, Histria - Pola (Pula) [found & written]
125339CIL V.1 2090AD 140 - 160stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Acelum (Asolo) [found & written]
144594O. Did. 27AD 140 - 150 about or before (Mesore 13 (Aug 06))pottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Didymoi (Khashm el-Menih) [found & written]
144627O. Did. 61AD 140 - 150 about or beforepottery Greek Egypt, Eastern desert - Didymoi (Khashm el-Menih) [found & written]