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consulate of Nummius Tuscus and C. Annius Anullinus

From 1 January 295 AD to 31 December 295 AD

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Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/period/2579

32 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
22342P. Lips. 1 29AD 295papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found & written]
111045P. Oxy. 1 23 Vo descr.AD 295 (Nummius Tuscus and Annius Anullinus cos)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
244045Analecta Papyrologica 25 (2013), p. 14-16AD 295 (Nummius Tuscus and Annius Anullinus cos)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa), Kom Abu Teir [found & written]
205562ILAlgérie 2.3 7859AD 295 aboutstone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Cuicul (Djemila) [found & written]
336506Bulletin archéologique du Comité des travaux historiques (1903), p. 186AD 295stone? Latin Algeria, Mauretania - Koudiat el-Hadjela [found & written]
199834ILAfrique 532 aAD 295stone Latin Tunisia, Africa - Thugga (Dougga) [found & written]
199889CIL VIII Suppl. 4 26566AD 295stone Latin Tunisia, Africa - Thugga (Dougga) [found & written]
310496ICUR N.S. 7 17416AD 295 (cf. EDB)stone Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
415077CIL XIII.2.2 8019AD 295stone? Latin Germany, Gallia - Bonna (Bonn) [found & written]
633342ICUR N.S. 8 21596AD 295 (cf. EDB)stone? Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
961128SEG 54 1586AD 295stone? Greek Syria, Gindaros (Tell Jindiris) [found & written]
42775O. Mich. 2 895AD 295 Feb 4 (year 11 = 16 = 03, Mecheir 10)pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
21741P. Oxy. 8 1121AD 295 Feb 8papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20704P. Oxy. 1 43 RoAD 295 Feb 16 - 24papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
42776O. Mich. 2 896AD 295 Feb 24pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
281708CIL VI.4.2 30781AD 295 Feb 26stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
42777O. Mich. 2 897AD 295 Mar 1pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
19311PSI 5 472AD 295 Mar 21 (Phamenoth 25)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
754191P. Capasso 8AD 295 Apr 22 (Diocletianus and Maximianus and Constantius I and Maximianus, year 11 = 10 = 03, Pharmouthi 27)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) (?) [found & written]
42226O. Mich. 1 453AD 295 Apr 23pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
42490O. Mich. 1 76AD 295 Apr 24pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
18966PSI 6 712AD 295 May 16papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
976581P. Oxy. 86 5569AD 295 Jun 18 (Nummius Tuscus and Annius Anullinus cos; Diocletianus and Maximianus, year 11 = 10 = 03, Pauni 24)papyrus Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [written]
Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found]
16016P. Oxy. 43 3137AD 295 Jul 4?papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
22523P. Oxy. 55 3801AD 295 Sep 13?papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
9963O. Mich. 3 1098AD 295 Sep 18?pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
9385BGU 3 858AD 295 Oct 11 (Diocletianus and Maximianus and Constantius I and Galerius, year 12 = 11 = (04), Phaophi 13)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [written]
Egypt, 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) [found]
12564P. Oslo 2 37AD 295 Oct 18papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) [found & written]
9927O. Mich. 3 1007AD 295 Oct 29?pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
70759O. Ashm. Shelton 211 descr.AD 295 Oct 29 - Nov 27?pottery Greek Egypt [found & written]
107623Mond / Myers, The Bucheum 2 p. 18-19 no. 19AD 295 Nov 3 ((Diocletianus) (Maximianus) (Galerius Maximianus), year 12 = 11 = 04, Hathyr 06)stone (sandstone) Hieroglyphic Egypt, U04a - Hermonthis (Armant) [found & written]
10365P. Cairo Isid. 36AD 295 Nov 4 (Hathyr 07)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]