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1 January 284 AD to 31 December 300 AD

From year 2 of Carinus and year 2 of Numerianus, Tybi 5 to year 17 of Diocletianus and year 16 of Maximianus and year 9 of Constantius and year 9 of Galerius, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/224995

1183 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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Page 1 of 24

TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
41919O. Mich. 1 160AD 284 beforepottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
42124O. Mich. 1 363AD 284 beforepottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
42126O. Mich. 1 365AD 284 before (year 02)pottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
42141O. Mich. 1 379AD 284 beforepottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
42152O. Mich. 1 389AD 284 beforepottery Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
64149P. Oxy. 22 2332 VoAD 284 - 299 (cf. Lama, Aegyptus 71 (1991), p. 78)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) (?) [written]
Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found]
93007I. Akoris 29AD 284 (Carinus and Numerianus, year 02)stone Greek Egypt, U15 - Tenis - Hakoris (Tehna) [find place, place of writing & preservation]
97861P. Oxy. 22 2332 Ro descr.AD 284papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
103039I. Alex. Imp. 98AD 284 beforestone (marble) Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria [found & written]
139822Jones, Astronomical papyri from Oxyrhynchus 2 4259AD 284papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
163909RIB 2.5 2483 (52)AD 284 after?pottery Latin United Kingdom, Britannia - Vercovicium (Housesteads) [found & written]
205878Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 192 no. 73 aAD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Verecunda (Markouna) [found & written]
205879Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 192 no. 73 bAD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Lambaesis (Tazoult-Lambèse) [found & written]
205880Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 192 no. 73 cAD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Cirta (Constantine) [found & written]
205881Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 193 no. 73 fAD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Lambaesis (Tazoult-Lambèse) [found & written]
205882Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 193 no. 73 gAD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Lambaesis (Tazoult-Lambèse) [found & written]
205883Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 193 no. 73 hAD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Lambaesis (Tazoult-Lambèse) [found & written]
205884Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 193 no. 73 iAD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Diana Veteranorum (Ain Zana) [found & written]
205885Thomasson, Fasti Africani p. 193 no. 73 pAD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Lambaesis (Tazoult-Lambèse) [found & written]
207294Année épigraphique 2014 1565AD 284 Jan - Octstone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Lambaesis (Tazoult-Lambèse) [found & written]
211720Année épigraphique 1993 1218AD 284 - 285stone Latin Switzerland, Gallia - Arch [found & written]
276127CIL VI.4.2 31380AD 284 - 285stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
285348Année épigraphique 1917 124AD 284 - 300stone? Latin Italy, Transpadana - Comum (Como) [found & written]
332515ILAlgérie 2.2 4557AD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Ghar el-Djemaa [found & written]
332516ILAlgérie 2.2 4558AD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Ghar el-Djemaa [found & written]
205131ILAlgérie 2.1 575AD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Cirta (Constantine) [found & written]
205001Année épigraphique 1919 26AD 284stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Lambaesis (Tazoult-Lambèse) [found & written]
346433ILAlgérie 1 288AD 284 beforestone (marble) Latin Algeria, Numidia - Calama (Guelma) [found & written]
365169ILAlgérie 1 1267AD 284 beforestone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Thubursicu Numidarum (Henchir Khamissa) [found & written]
195259Année épigraphique 2003 1420AD 284stone Latin Hungary, Pannonia - Bölcske [found & written]
198002Kraeling (ed.), Gerasa city of the decapolis 160AD 284 - 286stone Latin Jordan, Arabia - Gerasa (Jerash) [found & written]
384051CIL III Suppl. 1 7069 + Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (IK) 3 98AD 284 - 290stone? Latin Turkey, Troas - Troy (Hisarlık) [found & written]
406125Tituli Aquincenses 2 906AD 284stone Latin Hungary, Pannonia - Aquincum (Budapest) [found & written]
542321CIL XIV 126AD 284stone Latin Italy, Latium - Ostia [found & written]
542322CIL XIV 127AD 284stone Latin Italy, Latium - Ostia [found & written]
387523IGRR 1 617AD 284 - 286?stone Greek Romania, Thracia - Tomis (Constanţa) [found & written]
661519French, Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 3.2 13AD 284 - 286stone Latin Turkey, Lycaonia - Sarayönü [found & written]
838363Tituli Asiae Minoris (TAM) 5.1 630AD 284 - 285stone? Greek Turkey, Lydia - Daldis (Nardi) [found & written]
838614French, Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 3.5 139AD 284stone Greek Turkey, Lydia - Thyateira (Akhisar) [found & written]
876613Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (online) no. C.352AD 284stone? Greek Libya, Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) [found & written]
876615Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (online) no. C.354AD 284stone? Greek Libya, Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) [found & written]
876617Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (online) no. C.356AD 284stone? Greek Libya, Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) [found & written]
876621Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (online) no. C.360AD 284stone? Greek Libya, Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) [found & written]
876622Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (online) no. C.361AD 284stone? Greek Libya, Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat) [found & written]
919333Bean / Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia in 1962 and 1963 p. 20 no. 25AD 284stone? Greek Turkey, Cilicia - Kolybrassos (Ayia Sofya) [found & written]
985819Année épigraphique 2014 1228AD 284 - 286stone Latin Turkey, Phrygia - Gordiou Kome (Sarılar) [found & written]
987767SEG 30 1495AD 284stone? Greek Turkey, Lydia - Çömlekçı [found & written]
13055P. Sakaon 37AD 284 Jan 27 - Feb 25papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Thraso [written]
Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found]
18863P. Nekr. 19AD 284 Mar 7papyrus Greek Egypt, Western desert, Oasis Magna - Hibis (El-Hiba) (?) [written]
Egypt, Western desert, Oasis Magna - Kysis (Dush) [found]
13113P. Sakaon 94AD 284 Mar 24 (Carinus and Numerianus, year 02, Phamenoth 28; cf. ZPE 91 (1992), p. 93)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Thraso [written]
Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found]