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1 January 308 AD to 31 December 316 AD

From year 16 of Galerius and year 4 of Severus and year 4 of Maximinus Daia and year 2 of Constantinus I becomes year 16 of Galerius and year 4 of Maximinus Daia and year 2 of Constantinus I, Tybi 5 to year 11 of Constantinus I and year 9 of Licinius becomes year 11 of Constantinus I and year 9 of Licinius and year 1 of Crispus and year 1 of Constantinus II and year 1 of Licinius II, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/233761

593 dates associated with texts written in this period (strict)
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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
10420P. Cairo Isid. 89AD 308 Jan - Maypapyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) (?) [written]
Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found]
13048P. Sakaon 30AD 308 - 314?papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found & written]
15234P. Oxy. 54 3730AD 308 - 312 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
15656P. Oxy. 49 3507AD 308 - 312 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
16879P. Oxy. 33 2674AD 308papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchites [written]
Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found]
17513P. Oxy. 17 2133AD 308 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchites [written]
Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found]
20297P. Kellis 1 36AD 308 (consular date; Diocletianus)papyrus Greek Egypt, Western desert, Oasis Magna - Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab) [found & written]
22335P. Lips. 1 18AD 308papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found & written]
22800P. Lond. 3 p. LIX no. 1133 descr.AD 308 Jan 1papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
30926SB 14 12198AD 308papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
45483P. Duke inv. 1288 ined.AD 308papyrus Greek Egypt, U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim) [found & written]
176097Année épigraphique 2001 1868AD 308 - 311stone Greek Greece, Sporades - Samos [found & written]
185014Marin e.a., Salona 4. Inscriptions 13AD 308 - 316stone (limestone) Latin Croatia, Illyricum - Supetar [found & written]
192213Popescu, Inscripţiile greceşti şi latine în România 108AD 308 - 311stone Latin Romania, Thracia - Limanu [found & written]
197137Année épigraphique 2003 1395AD 308stone Latin Austria, Pannonia - Pfaffenberg [found & written]
197636Année épigraphique 1991 1405AD 308 - 310pottery Latin Bulgaria, Thracia - Augusta (Hisarya) [found & written]
215347CIL XVII.4.1 147AD 308 - 314stone Latin Austria, Noricum - Klagenfurt, near [found & written]
326762ILAlgérie 2.1 580AD 308 - 311stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Cirta (Constantine) [found & written]
366386ILAlgérie 1 3921AD 308 - 311stone Latin Algeria, Numidia - Henchir Gaga, near [found & written]
356414CIL VIII Suppl. 4 23118AD 308 - 309stone Latin Tunisia, Africa - Thibica (Bir Magra) [found & written]
195985CIL III.1 4413AD 308stone Latin Austria, Pannonia - Carnuntum (Petronell) [found & written]
197140Année épigraphique 2003 1398AD 308 - 312stone Latin Austria, Pannonia - Pfaffenberg [found & written]
234164Castillo e.a., IRMuseo de Navarra 16AD 308 - 314stone (sandstone) Latin Spain, Hispania - Cinco Villas [found & written]
293211ICUR N.S. 5 13097AD 308 (cf. EDB)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
384632Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua (MAMA) 1 19AD 308 - 314stone Latin Turkey, Lycaonia - Sarayönü [found & written]
385410Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (IK) 67 156AD 308 - 311stone? Latin Turkey, Pisidia - Antiocheia (Yalvaç) [found & written]
490962Ephemeris Epigraphica 8 [p. 1-221] 752AD 308 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Sardinia - Lipparaggia [found & written]
490989Ephemeris Epigraphica 8 [p. 1-221] 779AD 308 - 309 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Sardinia - Olbia [found & written]
494957CIL XVII.2 108AD 308 - 312stone Latin Switzerland, Gallia - Saint-Pierre [found & written]
494959CIL XVII.2 110AD 308 - 312stone Latin Switzerland, Gallia - Octodurus (Martigny) [found & written]
494963CIL XVII.2 113AD 308 - 312stone Latin Switzerland, Gallia - Acaunum (Saint-Maurice) [found & written]
494964CIL XVII.2 114AD 308 - 312stone Latin Switzerland, Gallia - Acaunum (Saint-Maurice) [found & written]
494965CIL XVII.2 115AD 308 - 312stone Latin Switzerland, Gallia - Acaunum (Saint-Maurice) [found & written]
494971CIL XVII.2 122AD 308 - 312stone Latin Switzerland, Gallia - Penneloci (Villeneuve) [found & written]
542323Thylander, Inscriptions du port d'Ostie B 325AD 308 - 313 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Ostia [found & written]
756864P. Mich. 21 830AD 308 or afterpapyrus Greek Egypt, 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim) [found & written]
760541Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 2 375AD 308stone? Greek Syria, Kapernabou (Kafr Nabo) [found & written]
782676IG XII.6.2 610AD 308 - 311stone? Greek Greece, Sporades - Samos [found & written]
802767IG IV(2).1 436AD 308stone? Greek Greece, Argolis - Epidauros [found & written]
802768IG IV(2).1 437AD 308stone? Greek Greece, Argolis - Epidauros [found & written]
834721Princeton University Expedition to Syria. Division III Section A 2 19AD 308stone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Qasr el-Hallabat [found & written]
843339Stauber, Repertorium Mysien 2 2531AD 308 - 309stone? Greek Turkey, Mysia - Beyköy [found & written]
874545SEG 1 487AD 308stone? Greek Syria, Kapernabou (Kafr Nabo) [found & written]
891933SEG 40 1251AD 308 - 309stone? Greek Turkey, Phrygia - Kotyaion (Kütahya) (?) [found & written]
937199Anatolian Studies 17 (1967), p. 103 no. 4AD 308 - 311stone? Latin Turkey, Pisidia - Antiocheia (Yalvaç) [found & written]
937203Anatolian Studies 17 (1967), p. 105 no. 8AD 308 - 311stone? Latin Turkey, Pisidia - Antiocheia (Yalvaç) [found & written]
980881Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 40 (1917), p. 17-18 no. 8 (a2)AD 308 - 311stone Latin Lebanon, Phoenicia - Berytos (Beirut) [found & written]
22631P. Nekr. 40AD 308 Jan 6papyrus Greek Egypt, Western desert, Oasis Magna - Mothis (Mut) [written]
Egypt, Western desert, Oasis Magna - Kysis (Dush) [found]
22629P. Nekr. 39AD 308 Feb 18papyrus Greek Egypt, U07 - Dios Polis (Hiou) [written]
Egypt, Western desert, Oasis Magna - Kysis (Dush) [found]
13031P. Sakaon 15AD 308 Feb 26papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found & written]