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1 January 328 AD to 31 December 330 AD

From year 22 of Constantinus I and year 12 of Constantinus II and year 4 of Constantius II, Tybi 5 to year 25 of Constantinus I and year 15 of Constantinus II and year 7 of Constantius II, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/241066

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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
15925P. Oxy. 45 3262AD 328 (Constantinus I and Constantinus II and Constantius II, year 22 = 12 = 04)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
337385CIL VIII.2 9010AD 328stone? Latin Algeria, Mauretania - Bida (Djemaa Saharidj) [found & written]
313750ICUR N.S. 3 7378AD 328 (cf. EDB)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
503552Supplementa Italica 16 [p. 369-398] 3AD 328stone Latin Italy, Liguria - Piobesi d'Alba [found & written]
513943CIL IX 801AD 328 - 330 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Apulia - Luceria (Lucera) [found & written]
558393CIL V.2 8011AD 328 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Capra [found & written]
569667CIL VI.1 233AD 328 - 330 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
627808ICUR N.S. 4 11087AD 328 (cf. EDB)stone? Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
830598Palmyrene Aramaic Texts (PAT) 1351AD 328?stone Palmyrene Syria, Palmyra [found & written]
865187Journal of the American Oriental Society (JAOS) 105 (1985), p. 31-51AD 328stone (basalt) Nabataean Syria, Arabia - Namara (Nimra) [found & written]
20742P. Oxy. 1 83AD 328 Jan 17 (cf. BL 9, p. 178; P. Oxy. 60 4079-4080 Intr.)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
99998P. Oxy. 1 83 [duplicate]AD 328 Jan 17 (cf. BL 9, p. 178; P. Oxy. 60 4079-4080 Intr.)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
13079P. Sakaon 62AD 328 Jan 22 (Constantius II cos and Maximus cos after, Tybi 26)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found & written]
263197CIL VI.4.3 36951AD 328 Mar 1stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
20317P. Kellis 1 59AD 328 Mar 27 - Apr 25 (consular date, Pharmouthi)papyrus Greek Egypt, Western desert, Oasis Magna - Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab) [found & written]
18373SB 18 13260AD 328 Apr 4papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolites [found & written]
22561P. Oxy. 60 4079AD 328 May 3papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
22562P. Oxy. 60 4080AD 328 May 3papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
16005P. Oxy. 43 3126AD 328 Aug 19papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
20813Stud. Pal. 2 p. 33-34 [N.N. 44]AD 328 Aug 24papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found & written]
74609O. Kellis 85AD 328 Aug 29 - 329 Aug 28?pottery Greek Egypt, Western desert, Oasis Magna - Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab) [found & written]
15607P. Charite 30AD 328 Aug 29 - 329 Aug 28?papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolites [written]
Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found]
13082P. Sakaon 65AD 328 Sep 11 (Ianuarinus and Vettius Iustus cos, Thoth 14)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found & written]
13091ZPE 222 (2022), p. 207-210AD 328 Sep 28 (Flavius Ianuarinus and Vettius Iustus cos, year Indictio 17, Phaophi 01)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found & written]
19288PSI 4 316AD 328 Sep 28 - Oct 27papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
13083P. Sakaon 66AD 328 Oct 1 (Ianuarinus and Vettius Iustus cos, Phaophi 04)papyrus Greek Egypt, 00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit) [found & written]
15228P. Harris 2 236AD 329papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
16163P. Panop. 18AD 329 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim) [found & written]
16201P. Panop. 31AD 329 aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim) [found & written]
18763P. Strasb. Gr. 5 316 VoAD 329 (Constantinus I cos 9 and Constantius II cos 4, year [Indictio 03])papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
21452P. Neph. 30AD 329papyrus Greek Egypt [written]
Egypt, U20 - Phathor, near (?) [found]
21607P. Dublin 20AD 329 (Constantinus I and Constantinus II, year 08 and 04)papyrus Greek Egypt, U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim) [found & written]
22876P. Lond. 3 p. LXXI no. 1291 descr.AD 329papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found & written]
70000Chartae Latinae antiquiores (ChLA) 18 660AD 329?papyrus Latin Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
92824P. Panop. 17 Vo descr.AD 329 afterpapyrus Greek Egypt, U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim) [found & written]
17301P. L. Bat. 2 10 VoAD 329? (year Indictio 18)papyrus Greek Egypt [written]
Egypt, U15 - Hermopolites (?) [found]
133015P. Duke inv. 1129 Ro ined.AD 329papyrus Greek Egypt [found & written]
336719Bulletin archéologique du Comité des travaux historiques (1950), p. 46 [b?]AD 329stone? Latin Algeria, Mauretania - Satafis (Ain Kebira) [found & written]
340393Marcillet-Jaubert, Les inscriptions d'Altava, Aix-en-Provence 31AD 329stone? Latin Algeria, Mauretania - Altava (Ouled Mimoun) [found & written]
340395Marcillet-Jaubert, Les inscriptions d'Altava, Aix-en-Provence 33AD 329stone? Latin Algeria, Mauretania - Altava (Ouled Mimoun) [found & written]
122961Année épigraphique 1939 23AD 329 - 330 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Sirmio (Sirmione) [found & written]
558387CIL V.2 8005AD 329 - 330 (cf. EDR)stone Latin Italy, Venetia - Altinum (Altino) [found & written]
835456Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia IA. Ghor Es-Safi 4AD 329 - 330stone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Zoara (Ghor el-Safi) [found & written]
885733SEG 32 1431AD 329stone? Greek Turkey, Syria - Qerqania [found & written]
942965Corpus of Latin Texts on Papyrus (CLTP) [P. Gen. inv. P. Gr. 117 Vo] (forthcoming)AD 329papyrus Greek / Latin Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found & written]
16162P. Panop. 17 RoAD 329 Feb 25 - Mar 26 ((Constantinus I) cos 8 and (Constantinus II) cos 4, Phamenoth)papyrus Greek Egypt, U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim) [found & written]
73986O. Douch 4 433AD 329 Apr 11pottery Greek Egypt, Western desert, Oasis Magna - Kysis (Dush) [found & written]
15575P. Charite 15AD 329 Apr 14 (Mesore 02; l. 1-10: AD 329 Apr 14 (Pharmouthi 19); l. 11-14: AD 332 Feb 20 (Mecheir 25); l. 15-20: AD 329 Jul 09 (Epeiph 15); l. 21-28: AD 329 Jul 12 (Epeiph 18); l. 29-34: AD 327 Jul 24 (Epeiph 30); l. 35-41: AD 329 Jul 26 (Mesore 2))papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolites [written]
Egypt, U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein) [found]
15354P. Oxy. 51 3621AD 329 May 10papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
74676O. Kellis 147AD 329 Jun 21pottery Greek Egypt, Western desert, Oasis Magna - Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab) [found & written]