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1 January 542 AD to 31 December 545 AD

From year 16 of Iustinianus, Tybi 6 to year 20 of Iustinianus, Tybi 5

Stable URI (with TM Period ID): www.trismegistos.org/time/319230

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TM id Publication Date Material Language Provenance
18932P. Cairo Masp. 2 67190 descr.AD 542 afterpapyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada) [written]
Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found]
22046P. Oxy. 16 1918AD 542 afterpapyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
37884P. Oxy. 16 1932AD 542 - 544 (year Indictio 06 and 07)papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
104052SEG 8 355AD 542 about? ([Iustinianus?], year [ ])stone (marble) Greek Egypt, Western coast - Mareia (Lake Maryut) [found & written]
119939IGChrEg 8AD 542 (year 258 (Diocletian era); Indictio 03, Tybi 04)stone (marble) Greek Egypt, L00 - Alexandria, El-Dukheileh [found & written]
244055P. Ital. 2 43AD 542?papyrus Latin Italy, Aemilia - Ravenna [found & written]
253269CIL X.1 4498AD 542stone Latin Italy, Campania - Casilinum (Capua) (?) [found & written]
279341ICUR N.S. 7 17622AD 542 (cf. EDB)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
285553CIL V.2 6469AD 542stone? Latin Italy, Transpadana - Ticinum (Pavia) [found & written]
340513Marcillet-Jaubert, Les inscriptions d'Altava, Aix-en-Provence 209AD 542stone? Latin Algeria, Mauretania - Altava (Ouled Mimoun) [found & written]
302897ICUR N.S. 8 20840AD 542 (cf. EDB)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
535769CIL X.1 1351AD 542 (cf. EDR)stone (marble?) Latin Italy, Campania - Nola [found & written]
535770CIL X.1 1352AD 542 (cf. EDR)stone? Latin Italy, Campania - Nola [found & written]
535771CIL X.1 1353AD 542 (cf. EDR)stone (marble) Latin Italy, Campania - Nola [found & written]
667082Labruna, Storia sociale dell'Hirpinia in età imperiale 39AD 542stone? Latin Italy, Samnium - Abellinum (Atripalda) [found & written]
760385Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 1 145AD 542stone? Greek Syria, Kyrros (Nebi Houri) [found & written]
760386Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 1 146AD 542stone? Greek Syria, Kyrros (Nebi Houri) [found & written]
760387Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 1 147AD 542stone? Greek Syria, Kyrros (Nebi Houri) [found & written]
761195Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 4 1818AD 542 - 543stone? Greek Syria, Qasr el-Mouharram [found & written]
761217Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS) 4 1873AD 542stone? Greek Syria, El-Anz [found & written]
835067Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (IK) 65 40AD 542stone? Greek Turkey, Mesopotamia - Antiochia Arabis (Viranşehir) [found & written]
844359P. Petra 5 81 CAD 542 - 545?papyrus Greek Jordan, Arabia - Petra [found & written]
885826SEG 32 1549AD 542 afterstone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Medaba (Madaba) [found & written]
890368SEG 38 1602AD 542stone? Greek Israel, Palestina - Rehoboth (Wadi el-Reheiba) [found & written]
929133Salamine de Chypre 13. Testimonia Salaminia 2 208AD 542 - 543 aboutstone? Greek Cyprus, Salamis [found & written]
929134Salamine de Chypre 13. Testimonia Salaminia 2 209AD 542 - 543stone? Greek Cyprus, Salamis [found & written]
929135Salamine de Chypre 13. Testimonia Salaminia 2 210AD 542 - 543stone? Greek Cyprus, Salamis [found & written]
959669SEG 53 1890AD 542 - 543stone? Greek Jordan, Arabia - Gerasa (Jerash) [found & written]
964617SEG 60 1632AD 542 - 543 about?stone? Greek Cyprus, Paphos [found & written]
964618SEG 60 1633AD 542 - 543 about?stone? Greek Cyprus, Paphos [found & written]
964619SEG 60 1634AD 542 - 543 about?stone? Greek Cyprus, Paphos [found & written]
965063SEG 61 1397AD 542 aboutstone? Greek Syria, Kyrros (Nebi Houri) [found & written]
966339SEG 64 1613AD 542 aboutstone? Greek Greece, Macedonia - Kyrros (Palaiokastro Aravissou) [found & written]
981002Année épigraphique 1947 195AD 542stone Greek Syria, Bambyke (Manbij) [found & written]
22089P. Oxy. 16 1995AD 542 Jan 9papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
14881SB 20 14403AD 542 Jan 22?papyrus Greek Egypt, 00 - Eirenes Chorion [written]
Egypt, 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) [found]
22158P. Oxy. 63 4396AD 542 Feb 18papyrus Greek Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa) [found & written]
23148SB 1 4676AD 542 Mar 6?papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolis (Ihnasya el-Medina) [found & written]
205416P. Gascou 1 [232]AD 542 Apr 1 - 543 Mar 31 (Iustinianus, year 16)pottery Latin Algeria, Numidia - Ad Maiores (Henchir Besseriani) [found & written]
257170Rendiconti della Accademia di Archeologia di Napoli (RAAN) 16 (1891-1893), p. 216AD 542 Aug 1stone (marble) Latin Italy, Samnium - Abellinum (Atripalda) [found & written]
18457P. Cairo Masp. 3 67347 + Journal of Juristic Papyrology (JJP) 50 (2020), p. 132-138 no. 5AD 542 Aug 21 - Oct 12 (year Indictio 06, Mesore 28)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19720P. Lond. 5 1702AD 542 Aug 29 - 543 Aug 29 about?papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
36790P. Cairo Masp. 1 67035AD 542 Aug 29 - 543 Aug 29? (year Indictio 06)papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada) [written]
Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found]
79259Mitthof, Annona militaris (Pap. Flor. 32) 2 p. 548-550 no. 187 dAD 542 Aug 29 - 543 Aug 29? (cf. Zuckerman, Du village à l'empire, p. 46)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Antaiopolis (Qaw el-Kebir) [written]
Egypt [found]
18888P. Cairo Masp. 2 67139AD 542 Aug 29 - 543 Aug 29papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
19736P. Lond. 5 1721AD 542 Aug 29 - 543 Aug 29?papyrus Greek Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east) [written]
Egypt, U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan) [found]
18421Journal of Juristic Papyrology (JJP) 50 (2020), p. 138-141 no. 6AD 542 Sep 17 - 543 Jul 30 (year Indictio 07, Mesore 06)papyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found & written]
70210CPR 19 39AD 542 Sep 28 - Oct 27?papyrus Greek Egypt, U20 - Herakleopolis (Ihnasya el-Medina) [found & written]
18810P. Strasb. Gr. 5 482AD 542 Nov 27 - Dec 26papyrus Greek Egypt, U15 - Hermopolites [found & written]
20948P. Erl. 55AD 542 Dec aboutpapyrus Greek Egypt, U10a - Antaiopolis (Qaw el-Kebir) [written]
Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found]